Friday, July 22, 2011

Sekirei - Episode 7: "The Black Sekirei"

Black Sekirei all be like “Why do I have to be in this crappy anime?” And all the other sekirei take their clothes off.

LAST TIME: The four member of our hero’s League of Ladies has finally signed up, and the game is about ready to start. Also I think the main character just promised to marry a 10-year-old girl. Couldn’t be sure, I was too distracted by the nudity.

0:20 You guys have a surveillance satellite? Why what for?

0:45 There’s a God Corpse?! And it turned you into a Gamemaster? This show suddenly makes even less sense.

1:17 Oh hey, that lady now actually looks like a lady.

1:47 The King of Terror! Just…here is some big hole. It looks like a spaceship. So, no idea why he called it that.

2:02 Oh fuck. Apparently this was some Nostradamus prophecy. Yeah, that guy definitely knew what the hell spaceships were going to land.

2:20 And…naked lady in a jar.

4:04 I am terrified to be sleeping around all these ladies!

5:02 That will be the story of the rest of his life…

5:19 EW! Stop that? Stop with the pedophilia.

6:05 Me too. Why the hell are troop deployments in a city changing? Wait, what are troops doing being deployed in a city period?

7:17 Oh fuck another person with grey hair. Exactly how many do there need to be?

7:49 Oh hello are you a friend of Musabi’s? Do you know absolutely everything about sekirei too?

8:41 Is it a…sex promise? (What the hell am I talking about? Of course it is.)

9:43 Yep, just standing up on this roof in a creepy bandanna! How you doing?

10:29 Oh crap! The Professor apparently is taking over the entire city! By…announcing it on TV. Don’t you have to blow something up first?

11:37 Oh! Her glasses don’t reflect light, there is apparently a switch to turn them off and on.

12:16 Dramatic apple throwing scene!

12:43 What? Landlord Lady is also a fucking sekirei? Is there anyone who isn’t?

13:31 Flippant? Come on! I don’t even have a personality!

14:39 Oh no! Not the character I definitely don’t care about!

15:27 Don’t do it. Don’t start talking about how nobody is around. It’ll only lead to nakedness.

16:44 That’s a crappy promise. Why don’t you guys just fight right off the bat to figure out who’s right?

17:17 Do we have to do one of these scenes every episode? Where our hero stands around being nonplussed while a lady talks about how great he is while dramatic piano music plays?

18:26 Against what? Convalescents? Is that a word? (Apparently. It's someone who's recovering from an illness! Which actually works here! Because this guy's hands got burned! I learned something!)


19:13 For some reason, the sister has dressed her pretty boy up in a dress. I have no idea why.

19:39 Oh yeah! That’s what we’ve been missing. Some guy-on-guy overtones.

20:16 Hey, stop shaking her. She has the mentality of a baby, so it's probably nearly as bad.

20:47 “Is something wrong?” Well, pretty much everything. Let’s go with everything.

21:12 Nice try short-haired chick with kunai, but you're going to lose. You’re not in the opening credit sequence.

21:49 Hey! Flower Chick! Who the fuck are you?

22:00 Oh damn it’s over. All my immediate questions will go unanswered.

22:44 What?! This time the creepy scene has the Professor. Which…isn’t as weird or creepy as the other ones. So…okay then.

23:37 Oh man, the 10-year-old is just standing around in a mouse costume for no reason in the next episode. I hope she’s in a ridiculous costume every episode without explanation from now on.

Verdict: Another slow build episode. For an episode where it promised shit would actually happen, there sure was a lot of standing around being all domestic going on. Also, did we really need to introduce a new villain just because we turned the last one? Isn’t that lazy?

Oh, and the sister got even less screentime this time around. Jerks.

*Sekirei is available on Netflix InstantWatch and Hulu. Sekirei is property of Sakurako Gokurakuin/Square Enix and the SEKIREI Project.

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