Netflix Synopsis: Larry the Cucumber stars as The Italian Scallion in this wacky VeggieTales adventure. Larry is a wrestler who somehow manages never to finish what he starts. Eventually, his inability to take anything seriously lands him in the ring with Apollo Gourd. Will Larry hang in there to complete the match? Find out in this lesson in perseverance meant to teach kids that when you finish what you start, you come out a winner.
Could they possibly completely garble their culture references here? Do they just have a random element generator that spits out three wildly convergent things and are required to throw them all together in one movie? Also, the correct pun in Apollo Seed. Come on. Hell, I would have accepted Apollo Leek.
I have a hate/reason to hate relationship with VeggieTales. Specifically, in high school I was friends with this group of people who would invite me over to their home and watch it. IN HIGH SCHOOL. I’ve only seen one of these movies, and it was more preachy than entertaining, and obviously biblically-themed, so what could I expect? But this…I don’t even know what this is all about. What the hell does this have to do with Jesus? How about we find out?
Could they possibly completely garble their culture references here? Do they just have a random element generator that spits out three wildly convergent things and are required to throw them all together in one movie? Also, the correct pun in Apollo Seed. Come on. Hell, I would have accepted Apollo Leek.
I have a hate/reason to hate relationship with VeggieTales. Specifically, in high school I was friends with this group of people who would invite me over to their home and watch it. IN HIGH SCHOOL. I’ve only seen one of these movies, and it was more preachy than entertaining, and obviously biblically-themed, so what could I expect? But this…I don’t even know what this is all about. What the hell does this have to do with Jesus? How about we find out?