Monday, April 30, 2012

Day Break - Episode 3: "What If He Let Her Go"

As long as he doesn’t give her up or let her down. Yeah that’s right, Rick Astley jokes are coming back!

LAST TIME: Taye Diggs got shot! Luckily, despite bleeding what seems like gallons, it didn’t affect him and he managed to escape, only for that dumb timeloop to swing around again and he was back home, and instead he does some other stuff.

1:16 Day 1? What does that even mean? Are we seriously doing flashbacks?

1:45 Oh, guess not. Also, he sure recovered from that bullet would pretty quickly! Just a little bit of blood, eh Taye?

3:02 Hey buddy, maybe not act like a big imbecile, it’s kinda super obvious.

4:11 Six beers for a dollar?! You can’t get six waters for a dollar!

5:13 Moon has secrets! SECRETS!

5:50 Yeah, she’s kind of in the health profession. She is morally obligated to help folk.

6:45 Doop de doo, well let’s see, last time I went to my apartment, they totally raided it and I got captured, but going there anyway!

Some anonymous lady really wanted you to have that! Don’t throw it at some car!

9:10 Hehehe, take that Ryerson. Gun to your back.

9:58 Oh man, he’s got two guns again! He’s about to do some gun-fu!

10:13 Or I guess we’re going to have a rave at the food court…

10:56 What…what kind of phone is that? Who still has a Nokia? And how did he run out of battery by 2 p.m.?

11:16 Also, it was not busted up before he threw it AT A CAR!

12:29 It took her several hours to figure that out? Why are they suddenly driving?

13:48 Ah, he’s going with the meat locker fridge motif.

14:23 We figured out it was a dead body like five seconds before you got here, dramatic sting. They very rarely cut to an underwater pool shot unless there’s a dead body in it.

15:37 To be fair, he started his investigation three days ago, it just wasn’t consecutively.

16:10 Was it this lady that we jumpcut to? Are you lying to her?

16:36 How did he know she didn’t drive to work today…..?

17:53 Hahaha! Nice ringtone, Ryerson.

18:33 Oh no not…whatever that was.

19:19 He brings a gun everywhere! He’s a cop!

19:54 The saxophone is really sad about her maybe breaking up with him in a timeline that, again, DOESN’T MATTER! You’ll wake up next to her in the morning, bro!

21:09 What huh? There’s another appointment he has to make today? Jeez, he’s going to have to take mad notes, maybe even more than those he had to make when he tried to 100% Majora’s Mask.

22:33 Also, ignore what sounds like a tied-up guy struggling. Probably nothing.

23:29 Now can we hear the other guy’s point-of-view before you shoot him? Maybe take the gag out of his mouth?

23:47 Yeah, guess not. Poor whoever that was.

24:27 Day 2?! Okay, at least get the numbers straight, this is officially Day 6.

25:32 Maybe level up a bit more? I don’t know, got to upgrade your equipment, at least.

26:13 Wait wait wait, there are TWO Nokias in this house? When was this written, how ancient are these people?

26:44 Oh shoot, his notes don’t transfer from day to day? Well, at least has photographic memory, apparently. How does he know her number?

27:58 A one bedroom is only $1200 in this neighborhood? That’s not too bad. (Again, when was it written?)

Just going to reach for my gun phone. I mean regular phone.

29:09 You know what they say, if the cab’s a rocking, there is probably three men trying to murder each other in there.

30:01 He stole the phone! Good work! (Wait, another Nokia? Poor product placement, guys.)

31:11 The last time he say this lady she was a corpse, and yet he took the time to check out her legs?

Oh no the tied-up guy is a bad guy! I’m glad he got shoot yesterday!

33:13 Hang on…Taye hasn’t told his sister that’s he’s sleeping with Moon? I guess it isn’t any of her business.

34:30 I didn’t know you could just…go into contract killings. Is there a correspondence course you have to take?

35:25 It seems that you have a few unpaid parking tickets. The state police depend on that money for basic operations, missy.

36:48 Do they have a tracking device in Taye or something? How the hell are they always able to find him?

37:16 Oh hey, good thing my gun is still here. Seems a bit of an oversight, I’d think.

37:46 Taye just rolled his eyes and thought, “Again? How many times a day can one be framed for murder?”

38:30 This song seems to be asking if I’ve seen the popular ABC show Lost. Yeah, and they did a much better job setting up their mysteries.

40:03 Hey it’s me, I’m a douchebag, but you knew that already.

41:07 Oh no the partner killed somebody! And it’ll be only eight hours until the event is erased!

Verdict: I am have a hard time keeping track of all the players in this, and exactly what they are up to each day. Apparently Moon WILL be okay as long as Taye doesn’t get caught, but now he has to keep two other ladies alive, and man it sounds like a pain. I’m just going to assume he hassles the coffee lady every morning so she doesn’t die, and gets incredibly frustrated with it. “Hey lady, you left your oven on. I hear the coffee at that shop has bat turds in it. Just fucking be anywhere else, dummie.”

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