Monday, October 29, 2012

The Gates - Episode 13: "Moving Day"

So, we’re leaving? Okay sure, screw all these vampires or whatever. Let’s just…leave.

LAST TIME: The owner guy, apparently not dead, wants to become a vampire, and everyone is mad about it. But eventually he does it anyway, but ends up with poisoned blood and decides to kill himself because? I really didn’t understand the conflict. Anyway, it seems everyone is prepared to just put all this bullshit behind them.

0:40 That was Peg. She wants to give you a job!

1:05 Maybe…driving away? I don’t know, that might work. You’re not in a ton of danger right now.

1:38 Why isn’t her computer passsword protected?

1:49 AH! The Local Hotel. Topline security there.

I just snuck up behind you in the rain wearing a hood.

3:08 But, wait. He intentionally wanted to become a vampire. It was his decision, and you are being a bitch.

4:20 Klaatu barada…

4:46 Well that vision made no fucking sense.

5:33 I have spent ten episodes being jerked around by a succubus, and by god, I am not leaving without hitting that!

6:12 What the hell does she care? She has done literally nothing the entire series.

6:42 What the fuck is wrong with you?! Why would you destroy her medicine, you stupid jerk?

Already, quick, tell me what your supernatural deal is before the series is over. The audience has been waiting patiently.

7:59 What’re you guys talking about!

8:28 Still not sure why the sheriff and his family are in danger…

8:48 There is some hippy bullshit in the trashcan, obviously the witch was just here.

9:55 Have we met?

10:37 So…he’s going to sleep on his girlfriend’s floor forever?

Aren’t there other people in the house? Like, standing right over there?

11:48 Apparently I couldn’t have just called you on the phone.

Wait, he is just now getting around to writing his resignation letter? And he’s writing it in Notepad?

Okay, OBVIOUSLY cell phones exist, because they are talking on them right now, so…why the hell won’t they use them to actually solve their problems.

13:15 Oh cute, she dyed her hair.

So, his plan is just to live in the woods. That’s as far as his 16-year-old lovers plan went.

Plenty of places to hide. In the park, underneath a log, how big is the Gates exactly, come on?

I have absolutely no control over my daughter at all. She tells me nothing. I’m a great father.

16:55 She turns into a hell beast. LIKE YOU DO!

17:41 Absolutely everyone is going to look at each other in dull surprise this episode.

18:10 “There are vampires everywhere.” All things considering, perfectly ordinary thing to say.

18:57 Yeah, I’m sure that was filler. Not at all important phone conversation.

19:23 What, is that the cottage from Lost, what’s with the sting?

WHAT? WHY?! Why would she return to the only place where anyone would look for her?

The teenage boy in love finally realizes that running away into the woods was literally the dumbest plan he’s ever had.

21:22 That wipe means that they are totally going to do it.

22:10 So, if you don’t take your succubus medicine, your powers immediately return?

22:49 For some reason I wasn’t paying any attention while we were macking and I ended up killing him.

23:40 Why not just say you are summoning a ghost to lend him life energy for as helpful as that explanation was?

It’s true! He’s a terrible parent!

Which are bad, for some reason!

Why is Other Cop breaking into Lady Cop’s house? How does this make sense?

She actually is at her spa?! Is she really this stupid?

Oh hey guys, fancy seeing you here.

26:46 I’m imagining that the car radio is playing “Call Me Maybe.”

27:46 Can’t you guys wait to kill her until after she saves my son? I mean, be cool you guys.

28:26 That’s the best way to stage a fight scene, by focusing exclusively on the non-participating observer who can’t actually see anything.

29:09 Wow, that is probably the only time that character has actually looked mildly cool. Good work making a vampire look scary, guys.

29:46 Oh hey, Marcus Wallace’s soul, cool.

30:50 DUN DUN wait that’s…that’s not that interesting of revelation.

31:35 Well…after that one thing that she put you through. She hadn’t really done that much to you.

32:12 You have to cover his nostrils too, come on, haven’t you ever suffocated someone before?

32:46 Yep, really dramatic, just all our characters standing around crying.

33:03 Oh hey, it worked somehow.

34:15 Turns out I’m suddenly a character again, and now everyone will pay.

34:44 SAVIOR Martinez? You intentionally dated a guy named Savior?

Dude, you were just staring at a heart! Why are you doubting this?

36:27 Wait, is this guy also a vampire or something? Or just a stupid guy?

37:19 Oh no! Another subplot! But we’ve got like five minutes left!

Welp, turns out they are not okay with us murdering five of our kind. Whoops!

And BAM! Daylight! Everything is suddenly A-OK!

39:16 So…she’s leaving town. Despite the fact that he’s also leaving town, so there is absolutely no reason for her to take off.

40:04 So hey, thanks for sticking around in one place so you can get murdered by vampires.

41:11 Oh no he’s a zombie!

41:32 Or maybe a vampire! I don’t know!

Wait what are you doing?! Don’t close the gates! What just happened?!

GAH! You guys make us sit through hours of plot cal-de-sacs and then when something interesting finally happens, you dummies get canceled? There was at least three episodes of filler that you really could have cut. I want to know why the son is an evil demon now! And I will never know! Rassel frassel. So, yeah, this show was dumb. It’s pacing was way off and it spent a lot of time just hiding the interesting bits for no reason. Moving on.

P.S. I’ve been hanging onto this joke from episode one; one of the creators of the show is named Richard Hatem. (a-a-a-a-ahem). YEAH I DO. Thank you, good night.

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