Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Buffy: The Vampire Slayer - Issue 1: "The Long Way Home Part 1"

This will be an unpopular decision. But, it’s time to take on an independent series, and I don’t have a ton of faith in the Buffy comic book, after everything I’ve heard about it. (Air sex, mainly.) Also, Faith, get it? Anyway, please don’t stab me for making fun of something that is mildly beloved.

Page 2: I can see a problem right away! First, where the hell are their parachutes? Second, is that a laser gun? Third, when did Chie die her hair blue and join the Slayers?

Page 4, Panel 3: There are three Buffies? Do, do the creeps know about this?

Page 5, Panel 2: You know, pointing out that someone operating “underground” is actually below sea level is a pretty dumb joke.

Page 6, Panel 1: And our first Whedon-ism! Thanks, Joss Whedon!

Page 7, Panel 2:
Hahaha, sexism!

Page 7, Panel 3: Because he’s a guy in charge of stuff who has an eye patch, you see.

Page 8, Panel 2: Are those Predators?

Page 9, Panel 2: Hey Buff? What’s with the totally lame singlet? It looks dumb.

Page 10, Panel 2: I can’t tell, is that lady German?

Page 12, Panel 4: Help me I can’t stop floating!

Page 13, Panel 2:
Wait, what are they doing that doesn’t mesh with America’s interests? I’m pretty sure the U.S. would be cool with killing vampires.

Page 14, Panel 1: Objection? Pretty sure destroying Sunnydale wasn’t actually Buffy’s idea? Also spoilers? Sorry.

Page 15, Panel 3: Do you expect a lot of bodies in a museum?

Page 17, Panel 1: Yum sandwich.

Page 18, Panel 2: Buh? Why is Dawn like 50-feet-tall? Does this make any sense?

Page 19, Panel 1: I don’t even know what “thricewise” means and already the word has no meaning from repetition.

Page 19, Panel 2:
Welp! Have fun being super big!

Page 20, Panel 4: Oh, okay, so Buffy lives in Highlander now.

Page 21, Panel 2: Hang on hang on, what does muppet Odin look like? Can I see muppet Odin?

Page 22, Panel 3:
Haha! It’s bitchy because she’s a lesbian!

Page 22, Panel 2: Oh no! Something shocking and easily recognizable from current pop culture!

Page 23, Panel 3: I like mustache guy. I hope he gets a name.

Page 23, Panel 6: Cheese? She wants cheese?

Page 24, Panel 1: Oh hey, that lady who continues to be a character despite the fact that she really isn’t important at all. AT ALL. Seriously, why are we still talking about AMY?!

Okay, I’m not going to pretend that I don’t know what’s going on here. I admit that if I was itching for more story after Buffy ended, I would be pumped about this and the reasonably interesting developments here, with the Slayer strike teams and splintered friendships and all. But, I don’t know. Amy? Really? Amy? She has always been the inside joke that nobody really understood, and now she has some actual significance? I’m…not sure how I feel about that.

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