Saturday, September 15, 2012

Kiara the Brave

In this animated adventure unrelated to the feature film Brave, Princess Kiara is determined to save her father, King Maximus, who's been kidnapped by his power-hungry brother. With a friend in tow, fearless Kiara sets off on an epic quest.

See? See, it says so right in the description. Totally unrelated. Don’t know why you thought this might be related to this last summer’s blockbuster. What’s wrong with you? Are you on drugs?

0:08 Phase 4 Films: You guys have anything you want to show us? We will probably take it.

0:58 Sure, sure go ahead and pretend this concept is attributed to anyone besides the fine folks at Pixar.

1:49 Who are these talking heads? Why are there talking heads?

2:13 “How many times do I have to tell you to be more like Dream Zone?”

3:18 I did not know that Star Wars Galaxies offered camera capture services.

3:53 HEY! HEY! King! We can’t see anything from here! Is something happening?

4:37 Supercloud. Makes people the King of Dreamzone. Don’t question anything ever.

5:24 This guy has Dracula just hanging out in his secret lab! Dracula!

6:20 He’s over there laughing maniacally, he won’t notice.

7:12 You added fettuccini to your secret world-changing formula?

8:07 Really? He seems pretty great, in retrospect. He can cast lightning from his mouth! Go go Supercloud!

9:16 It’s okay, I don’t need to know what is going on at all, ever. Just keep doing whatever.

9:44 His tail turns into a net?

10:32 Let’s hug it out!

10:54 Oh good, imagination sequences, these aren’t major wastes of time.

11:25 Who is this nerdlinger? And why does he hang out with planets?

12:42 Yeah, what’s to become of Supercloud? Maybe he’ll, I don’t know, get into a good college or something?

13:25 AH! He aged like 12 years overnight! And has a…magic vacuum?

14:12 Oh right, we are still in the Dreamzone. And suddenly it’s a high school drama.

14:43 Oh dear everyone is dead!

15:11 Apparently being really good at something is cause to get kicked out of school?

15:51 Sure, mud dragons. Yeah, whatever, mud dragons.

16:27 Oh fuck rapping. Worse than musical numbers.

16:54 Thanks Gandalf!

17:40 You are obviously a latchkey kid. I feel compelled to make sure you have no safety net.

18:15 Of course the Internet is well-aware of his entire past. It’s the Internet.

19:01 Is there a bunch of weird shit flying through the air? Because I am the idiot protagonist, and I can’t tell.

19:39 Woo! Sparkle dance party!

20:07 Oh what is up, title character?! Where the hell have you been?

21:06 Behold! Some bullshit!

21:38 I didn’t notice you there for the past 90 seconds. What’s up, bro?

22:33 She sure loves the destruction of our modern infrastructure.

23:16 Is…is Supercloud drunk?

23:50 Yeah don’t you just ask him!

24:48 So…this is what it’s like to raised by two gay monster dads, huh? Just everyone talking really slowly to each other.

25:42 Maybe don’t hatch your evil plan in front of this kid who probably has a conscience.

26:12 They are just straight up punching each other in the face now.

26:46 Oh fuck, a pirate.

26:56 HA! It’s Destiny’s Child.

27:21 I think you should not be in the movie anymore. I am already sick of you.

27:37 Hey guys, remember this scene from the second Pirates of the Carribean movie? Well, we’re just going to throw it in without any goddamn explanation.

29:24 What the hell is that thing on his shoulder? It looks like a head crab.

30:02 CFC warriors? Wait? Is this anti-pollution propaganda? This is the worst place for it.

31:27 Oh those boys. I was wondering who they were talking about. Also, who the fuck are these assholes?

32:43 Let’s listen to this Hercules-looking jerk who just showed up without even introducing himself.

33:47 Oh, apparently literally everyone can fly.

34:11 But those guys are dicks. Let them die.

35:09 Wait…if one of them dared the other, why on Earth did they all go?

36:05 Maybe just do it already instead of explaining it.

36:30 Wait…I thought you were creating an ice sheet. That is clearly a tornado.

37:12 That’s the rule! Save a man’s life, friends forever. Ask them to help you move, they have to do it!

38:04 Don’t be a dick, Mesmerizer! He saved their lives!

38:42 So, this omnipotent jerk knew he went to the Black Hole, but didn’t even know what happened there because his bullshit detector was broken?

39:26 Oops, guess they didn’t really want to play that song anyway.

40:30 United efforts? What the hell has Robe Guy done? This doctor has done pretty much all the work.

42:08 Hey, we were released from prison! Time for some hugs!

42:46 No, that is not “cool.” Snow deserts are dumb.

43:11 Haven’t we covered this? I thought he already said that shit is going wrong.

43:56 Of course he has a magic cellphone.

44:15 What? Why would he need a vehicle? Supercloud can goddamn fly.

45:01 Maybe go lie down or something. Have you guys never been sick before?

45:32 Wait…who are those guys? How does the bad guy suddenly have an army now?

46:48 They were hanging out in the Tron bathroom.

47:28 Yeah, you show that one guy. Ignore the other dozen or so guys in the room who are actually capturing the king.

48:23 Answer the phone!

49:44 FLY! You can fly! Why are you running?

50:01 Jesus, what the fuck happened here? Did he believe for a second things were okay here?

50:56 But…adults do? What is with these weird rules about Destiny? Also, why do they always search for her by just randomly shouting?

51:40 Wait, that was a whole other castle. I thought we were already at the castle.

52:26 Are you literally telling DESTINY what you believe you are destined to do? Because if so…you are an idiot.

52:47 I’m sitting in a chair now.

53:08 Is that guy drinking fire? Like it was punch?

53:46 Hey, we are standing right here, lady. Don’t be a dick.

54:19 The mud dragons are confused at why they are in this scene.

55:20 This guy again? Why isn’t he a pirate anymore?

55:53 And he just started barfing flowers.

57:15 We totally have a ride!

57:30 What’s with the weird accent? Why do you talk like that?

58:14 Yep. They just tied the king to a rock. Not even any guards around him.

58:46 His “way with ways?” The hell does that mean?

59:36 Mind, it looked that way before you did anything, but still, we’re blaming you.

Ah shit, I just realized that they this is just the plot to Hercules. Two bumbling idiots were supposed to kill a baby with a jerry curl and don’t for some reason.

1:01:13 Yeah, keep on being important, title character.

1:01:54 And we should totally do what you want, shouldn’t we?

1:02:14 He wants to kill you, stupid!

1:03:10 And when you’re less powerful, it’s easier to defeat you. And when it’s easier to defeat you, I feel pretty good. And when I feel good…

1:03:44 GROSS. Eye gags are stupid.

1:04:25 Gasp!

1:05:02 Why is the evil big bad wearing a sweaty tank top?

1:05:28 Hey, quiet from the back!

1:05:43 Wait, how did these two escape? Did the bad guy just let them go?

1:06:50 Vapor sucking clouds? I was unaware that was a thing.

1:07:15 Nice of you to bother showing up, Gandalf.

1:07:54 Is that guy fighting these warriors with a chunk of wood?

1:08:12 Waiting patiently for the Matrix scene…

1:09:30 Boy…watching the villains fight each other sure is an interesting use of your climax.

1:10:23 But…wait…I thought he hated his son.

1:11:12 GOD!? God is a player in this?

1:11:28 Yeah, what the hell were you kids doing when all this happened?

1:11:50 Oh the mud dragon is the Black Hole. That somehow wasn’t clear.

1:12:13 These kids could shoot lightning and rain and shit? Why the hell weren’t the ADULTS doing that?

1:13:14 Oh no he’s Dhalsim!

1:13:54 So…title character, UNCONSCIOUS. It’s almost as if this wasn’t written with her in mind as the main character at all.

1:14:40 Yeah, I never liked the Dragonball Z fighting games.

1:15:48 Oh hey, this guy has turned a leaf. Great, whatever.

1:16:16 That was quick! It thought it might have taken an extra second to defeat him, but whatever.

1:16:40 Oh god this idiot is back.

1:17:11 Three! Don’t forget about the worthless princess!

1:17:57 Is that kid six inches tall? Oh, there was a hill, okay.

1:18:18 That was a rhetorical question!

1:19:22 Who the hell is this guy with the hat? Should we know this guy?

1:19:56 Doesn’t the princess have healing power? She healed Supercloud earlier.

1:20:44 The blagg ole…

1:21:13 We wordlessly support our demon overlord!

1:21:51 Who are you talking to? And how did Mesmerizer break out of jail? And why isn’t he helping?

1:22:44 Oh, apparently it is that easy to kill the dragon.

1:23:05 Nice work vaporizing those living creatures, kids! Enjoy your PTSD!

1:24:22 I guess that guy finally ran out of hit points.

1:25:23 It’s over? But…what about those planets from the…oh wait, here’s some scenes.

1:25:59 Oh never mind, these scenes appear to mostly be the kids doing rad backflips.

Who is this Super K guy they keep talking about? Oh wait, his name is actually Super Kloud? That is the dumbest.

1:28:16 Hey, the planets! They didn’t completely forget about them!

1:28:55 Oh never mind it was sequel bait, screw that.

Verdict: Can’t help but notice that that movie was technically called Super K, and the princess had nothing to do with it. But I knew that would happen, I just didn’t expect all the other elements to not make any damned sense. Who was that future guy? Why was he there? Could they have spent maybe a little more time with the kids, instead of those stupid lizards?

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