What, really? That’s the name of your episode? I don’t even know what that’s a reference to. Chess, Go, Mancala? Eh, I’m sure they’ll say the line in some hamhanded way sometime in the episode.
LAST TIME: Everyone in the entire world passed out for 137 seconds, and then by the end of the day, the world’s infrastructure was back to normal and the government were already actively investigating the incident. Our hero family includes FBI guy, who runs the ‘predict the future’ team, Doctor Mom, who is afraid she’ll have an affair and has a suicidal friend, a teenage daughter whose importance isn’t established yet, and a little girl who is only there for emotional purposes. There are also a couple of drunks hanging about, I’m not exactly sure what they’re up to.
1:18 Ah yes, the go-to creepy rendition of Ring Around the Rosies. Nice deployment of it here, actually.
1:50 Oh hey, some girl I don’t recognize was apparently awake during this…
2:10 Oh nevermind! They are all just roleplaying the most traumatizing event in their young lives.
3:00 Is…this the same week? You are not doing a very good job of explaining what the hell is going on. What’s with the soldiers and the black helicopters?
3:50 This must be a bad government bureaucrat!
4:30 That’s how you’re going to explain away this incongruent plot device? By suggesting that kids actually roleplayed the events of Katrina?
5:50 You could…ask her what she saw, maybe.
6:39 I don’t get why they talk to each other like they hate each other to show their love. It’s an interesting trait, but it just seems so weird for what is essentially a normal couple with two kids and a dog.
7:52 How does that one website cost millions of dollars? There are also, at most, five people on this task force. Why does evil bureaucrat lady view this project as a drain of resources?
8:50 Yes, we have checked every single camera on the planet, and found only one person who was awake at the time.
9:46 Go crush some milk and cookies into a syringe and bring it to me!
11:54 So…you found the guy you are afraid you’re going to sleep with. Now, just never ever fucking talk to him again, and you’ll be good!
13:08 Are we going to flashback to every single prophecy we’ve seen in the first episode? Because I’ve seen the first episode. I remember what happened. Heck, you did a minute’s worth of recap before the episode started. Get on with it.
14:59 “I don’t know anything about any cockadoodie pigeons!”
15:22 Why is everyone still at work at 10 p.m. in their flashforwards?
16:48 This guy is really embarrassed about going to the bathroom.
17:15 At least we get some goofy moments! Doopa doopa dong!
18:47 Oh no! She knows the kid! This is even worse?
19:22 How is that building still on fire?
20:15 This is just an insane amount of random connections. How did you guys get to investigating a small town in Utah with the clues you currently have? Because she said the word pigeon?
21:57 “Yo guys! Having a marital spat? That’s cool, I’m going to hit the break room.”
22:44 Okay, I’m starting to agree with the bureaucrat lady. You guys are taking a chopper to Utah? What the hell for?
24:35 Video forensics, also known as, looking at the video and guessing it’s probably a dude.
27:14 An FBI stakeout to hunt down a single guy who stole some random lady’s credit card. Really exciting stuff.
29:05 If nobody owns this building, why would you need probable cause to search it? (I don’t know police stuff.)
29:55 This got extremely creepy really quickly.
31:03 Holy mother of god what? The holy hell just happened and why?
32:01 Ah! A chess metaphor!
32:17 He tried to hack into Mosaic already? Hasn’t the site been active for about a day and a half?
34:43 Hey, crew! Clear the shot! We’re trying to do a dramatic scene here.
35:58 It’s 3 a.m., and what do you know, everyone is still awake and at work. Even the extras!
36:48 This is amazing! It was sure was lucky that their hunch that someone in Utah who stole some lady’s credit card might be involved actually turned out.
38:36 Um, actually, if you want to be accurate, it was at least five hours after you met her that she died after being shot in the shoulder.
39:32 How? How on Earth can someone out there have information that can save Dmitri’s life, assuming he’s going to lose it? That would be absolutely amazing if it panned out.
41:00 And then he immediately keeps a secret from her.
41:50 How convenient! Someone just happened to be reading a briefing about Dmitri’s murder during their flash forward.
43:26 DUN DUN! Wait, the kid saw both the son of the would-be adulterer and discovered that D. Gibbons is a bad man?
Verdict: Man, a lot of convenient things sure are happening to move the story along. Truth may be stranger than fiction, and if this thing were orchestrated by some outside source, it may make sense that everyone flash forwarded to a time when they all happened to be looking at exactly the thing they needed to be looking at, but man, what the hell are the odds of everything that has happened so far happening? The manner in which the FBI mysteriously showed up in Pigeon, Utah to discover one of the conspirators is just too goddamn coincidental for words, it is sending a tear straight down my suspension of disbelief.
*FlashForward is available on Netflix InstantWatch and Hulu. FlashForward is property of the American Broadcasting Company.
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