Here we go again. Couple of things before I get started. I know very little about FlashForward besides the tiny spoilers and general synopsis. As far as I know, this was an okay but just not good enough show trying to emulate the model that got the axe, just like Jericho before it, and Point Pleasant before that. Spooky, weird shows can only gain so much audience, and only rarely will you get a Lost or an X-Files. So I don’t actually know if it was good or not. Coming into it blind. Kinda the point.
But I do think that the singular impetus for the series is kinda stupid. Everyone blacks out for two minutes and sees into the future? I guess a lot of interesting things can happen in response, but I can’t imagine an entire series centering around a single event that will slowly be forgotten. I mean, how big of deal can it possibly be? I guess we’ll have to find out.
0:11 How was he holding his head so that everything was upside down?
0:58 Holy crap is this beginning super dark.
1:18 Hehehehe. I love this wife character already. I hope she’s awful.
1:52 Ah man…they don’t actually hate each other…
2:24 Why don’t you just leave through the front door if you know the garage is broken?
3:53 What the hell is this guy up to, showing us his driver’s license and OH!
4:53 Ewww…
5:45 Hey it’s that guy! Keep digging out of that White Castle hole, buddy!
6:17 Fucking subtle guys. Yeah, we do remember that Lost exists.
7:19 Wait, if you don’t know who this woman was, why were you watching here?
7:45 Soak this in, we can only afford one non-CGI car crash.
8:37 What is with the sexyness? How will them sexing have any impact during the blackout (which you are obviously building to)?
9:12 Ah, in the future, this guy becomes John Nash.
9:57 Didn’t notice him put his hand on the exhaust pipe before. Hilarious.
11:14 You guys want to steal any more beats from the first five minutes of Lost?
11:37 Um, yeah, the results of the blackout are super fucking dark.
13:38 Oh…all these people are related…
14:38 This has got to be a nuclear bomb attack. Everyone is notoriously still alive after one of those.
15:28 Slow motion running to check on his family!
15:45 For about two blocks…why did he slow down?
16:22 What happened to that guy’s clothes?!
16:34 Kangaroo? What? That’s just weird to be weird.
17:16 So…everyone in China and Australia was pretty much asleep the whole time, right?
17:46 Everyone died downtown? People need to use the term “me too” better.
18:53 How do you even know exactly how long at this point? Was someone running a stopwatch?
18:56 Oh, I guess it isn’t the middle of the night in Hong Kong. Couldn’t sworn time zones existed…
19:02 Let’s barbeque this kid up! Vinegar style.
19:23 Why would you care? Vatican isn’t known for its doomsday theories.
20:18 Oh no the Vice President is dead! I’m really sad…
21:14 A memory…of the future…
21:38 Also, he was looking at both a clock and a calendar when this happened?
21:50 Wait. THREE people within earshot were staring at clocks and calendars during the time jump?
23:15 Hey, do you mind if you can corroborate this completely batshit story for me? Can’t imagine you’d be busy.
23:37 Also, why were they both at work at 6 in the morning?
24:15 WHAT? How are people already talking about this? It’s been, at most six hours!
25:34 A prenatal sonogram, huh? At 10 p.m. at night?
26:34 You can create a website? That’s your plan? Aren’t you the FBI, not Mark Zuckerberg?
27:27 Martial law across half the country? What? Why? Where?!
28:42 Here you go. Here are the mystery keywords. Memorize them.
30:03 Yeah thanks Harold. We didn’t get that when you mentioned it earlier.
31:05 Boy, hospital sure is quiet for immediately after a complete and utter disaster like this one.
31:50 I saw a glimpse of my future, and there was cotton candy and strippers!
32:45 Are the two drunks meeting at the bottom of an aquarium?
33:52 How is your daughter still being alive a terrible thing?
34:44 Oh okay, that rationale makes sense. Thanks guys.
37:05 It’s really hard to built suspense when we know the answer already.
38:45 Oh okay! I guess you could have left that guy’s identity a mystery for at least an episode, or maybe even, say, two minutes, but this works too.
39:39 DUN DUN! Friendship bracelets are super scary!
40:40 Yeah, they got us working late, on account of all the death and destruction today.
40:48 Dolly Parton videos?
41:52 Creepy walking guy!
42:12 Yes, him being awake is the question, thanks for iterating that. Stop dropping every major mystery point on us like ugly garbage, please.
Verdict: They did an alright job! Sure, it’s a bit by the books how quickly they slam us with the exposition, and they definitely rushed getting all the major plot hooks to us right off the bat, leading to some super bizarre conclusions that were rushed to by nearly everyone, but consider me mildly interested in how they choose to resolve these issues, and specifically, if they can do it in time. (No spoilers, jerks.)
*FlashForward is available on Netflix InstantWatch and Hulu. FlashForward is property of the American Broadcasting Company.
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