Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Bad Teacher - Trailers

Bad Teacher: I hope you didn't like Cameron Diaz, because we are determined to make her the worst person on Earth.

I'm really mad Jason Segel is in this, because I like Jason Segel. His method is really subtle, as if he's not actually telling jokes, which is nice. And he really shines in the scene featured below.

You'll notice that they feature that scene with the dodgeballs in this one too. That's because that's apparently the only funny scene in the entire damn movie.

Also, it appears that the movie is going to borrow pretty much every plot point from Sixteen Candles, so that'll be fun to watch.

Also, how the hell do they cast Cameron Diaz as a teacher in a movie that doesn't tell the true story of Mary Kay Letourneau? Just saying.

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