Friday, August 10, 2012

Rosario+Vampire - Episode 20: "Bathroom and a Vampire"

I…I really could not care. This seems gross and I don’t want to watch, but as long as a toilet doesn’t come to life, I’ll be happy.

LAST TIME: The team goes to Kyoto, and everyone is obnoxious and needy. They fight a gang of idiots, and somehow the vampire becomes their leader? I’m going to assume that plot point will never be mentioned again.

Babies having babies!

0:45 His mother seems genuinely surprised her own son bothered to come home, and doesn’t seem to excited to see him…

1:21 Oh shit a girl with pink hair I am terrified!


3:45 As has the audience! We kinda forgot they existed.

4:12 Really? Really? How is that a natural order of events?

4:32 OH FUCK, these assholes are here as well and he accidentally groped the crap out of the succubus.

5:25 Um!

5:44 Did she expect there would be four of the same girl in his room?

6:15 That’s right, you should all feel guilty for being awful, creepy stalkers.

6:54 Overunder on him being interrupted in the bathroom? 142%

7:23 I hope you won’t mind if I lick your fingers. That’s not fucking weird.

8:01 BOUNDARIES! Established some goddamn boundaries. She wants to rape you!

8:37 “Our son has become a sex fiend.”

9:10 Why aren’t you?

9:47 The mother is concerned that her son is a gigolo.

10:32 Why does she keep calling him Suki? That is a dumb nickname.

10:49 I often talk about how awesome I am to myself when nobody else is around.

11:31 Also, if I was his girlfriend, it would be illegal as shit!

12:01 Dramatic organ chords!

12:35 She wants to totally do it right here right now! Who cares if there are five other people in the room?

13:06 Oh right, EVERYONE involved is under the age of 18. I just remembered!

13:37 I was concerned before, but then someone started punching someone else and now I have the blood lust.

14:31 It’s true. School girls can’t hover in midair.

15:12 I really hope they all kill each other. Seriously, fuck these girls.

15:29 Just rubbing this lady’s butt, why wouldn’t I?

16:21 It’s not like we’re having orgies or whatever! All those images you saw on the Internet were made by perverted fans!

16:58 Wait, he never even mentioned that she was a girl?

17:38 Oh hey, a genuine human reaction. I sure hope we get another 15 minutes of stupid bullshit to balance it out.

18:18 Here…look at my breasts.

18:50 I think that breaks the rules…forcing him to pull off her rosary.

19:37 I’m okay with this! Please hurt them all, vampire.

20:00 I thought he made that decision literally ten episodes ago! He has shown no interest in anyone but the vampire the entire time.

20:37 Hey guess what, this subplot is awful and pointless.

21:01 Who the hell was that?

21:48 Yeah, freak out about it for no reason, dummy.

22:36 Oh shit this cousin character might end up being an actual character?

22:57 Maybe try something reasonable, little sister. Literally everything you’ve done has been goddamn insane. Maybe…just wait for her after class?

24:46 The second witch, still not a character.

Verdict: Wait, where was the bathroom in all of this? You mean that 45-second scene where everyone was naked and intrusive? I do like how the show has acknowledged that these three girls are the goddamn worst, but I don’t know if they actually resolved anything. He should totally go to Vegas over the weekend and marry the vampire and just get it over with already. Is there a Vegas in Japan?

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