Friday, March 9, 2012

Rideback - Episode 12: "To the Stage of Light"

I actually care how this one resolves! I mean, I have no idea how this is going to end, it’ll probably be dull, but I still want to know! So let’s watch people dick around on motorbikes, you guys!

LAST TIME: Everyone has gotten over it, and the ballerina is back on the bike, willing to ride off and do something awesome. Oh, and I guess the fascist world government is in trouble, and terrorists and whatever.

0:16 How big are the moths in Japan anyway?

0:36 Hang on we’ve seen this! Show me something new!

1:00 Where is she going? HEY! WHERE ARE YOU GOING?

2:06 Oh, I am going to miss this song that seems to think it’s in English the entire time but I can’t understand half the words.

2:56 Camera guy does not like what he sees.

3:24 Well, half the city may be in flames, but I got these stacks of meat to delivery, can’t think of a reason why I shouldn’t drive down this abandoned street OH SON OF A BITCH! Watch the road, lady!

4:23 Really, the anti-aircraft missile didn’t manage to hurt these ground-based machines? Can’t imagine why!

5:45 Where is what again? Why should you be scared? I haven’t been paying attention.

6:20 They really need to stop comparing jumping motorcycles off sweet jumps to drugs. That will just make all the kids want to do it.

7:09 That is the softest sell. I felt like changing the channel immediately. See if cartoons are on somewhere.

7:34 Sentence fragments.

7:56 Am I supposed to know this guy? He has a stupid haircut.

8:08 WHAT WHY? Why are these dumb kids going into an active war zone?

8:57 Oh no that shouldn’t have happened!

9:38 It is literally impossible to do ballet with a broken leg! Stop judging me!

10:11 I don’t think I get it, kid. This philosophy sounds ridiculous.

10:50 So did he know she was here? Was he looking for her? Or did he just feel like being badass today?

11:36 Fuego is Spanish for fire.

12:18 Oh no not that guy! I will miss him.

13:00 I’m going to pretend that the person on the other line hung up twenty seconds ago and he was just talking to himself.

13:48 That’s a The Who song reference!

14:13 Oh shit! The robots just started shooting at the police for no reason!

14:59 Wait, what is our main character doing? Why doesn’t she just go home? She has literally no motivation to keep fighting these robots.

15:54 Stupid Mom, calling off my mission, I’m just going to sit here and sulk.

16:52 Fuego had too many shots of Jager last night.

17:31 Are they seriously implying that her mom’s soul is in the motorcycle? This is dumb.

18:56 Hurray! Smug chick did something besides smirk! It involved killing some jerk!

19:25 Yeah, it sure is exciting not actually watching the dance and instead getting snippets intercut with someone watching the performance on a webcam.

20:25 And they it starts snowing, which is weird, because it has to be, what, April?

21:13 Hurray the government changed for no reason! The terrorists won!

22:01 And…I guess that’s it? Sure, I have a ton of questions, but…it’s probably not important. At least someone danced once, in a scene we didn’t get to see.

Listen, I’m not saying I don’t get, there’s a deep spiritual action that comes from doing something passionately, etc, etc, but when it came right down to it, there was absolutely no reason for all that other stuff. The government intrigue, the arrests, the murder, it was all fluff because it had nothing to do with our main character’s journey. They could have cut all of that, instead focused on her participating in some street competitions, and it would have made a lot more sense plot wise. I mean, they pretty succinctly just drop all that other stuff right away, not bothering to show us what any of it meant as soon as we get to the climax, which is a very dramatic dance scene that they didn’t even have to budget to show us! And how exactly did she manage to dance all those robots to death? It just…fell flat.

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