Friday, February 24, 2012

Rideback - Episode 10: "Master of the War"

Just the one. Sure hope there isn’t another war, because then he’ll just be so confused.

LAST TIME: Quite possibly nothing. Ballerina goes into hiding, everyone’s all pissy because the government banned pogs, and then quite a bit of brooding silence. It was kinda hard to watch.

0:12 Sir, is there a reason we can’t turn on the lights?

0:45 So this poor guy has just been mumbling stuff to himself for the past five years? Does he eat? Sleep? Have they considered, say, treating his PTSD?

2:41 Hang on, how did the alien sneak into the compound by just wearing a hat? I thought he was a war criminal that everyone knew.

3:30 Also known as the most boring question period.

3:58 How dare you suggest giving up?! You will sit quietly in an undisclosed location and mope!

4:48 That is so creepy! You have a literal necklace of your lady crush?

5:34 Apparently permits let you blow right through the stormtroopers like Jedi mind tricks.

5:47 Oh that’s a cute hat.

6:33 Yeah, keep it under 10 Megs, beyond that we’ll have to upload to Dropbox or something, and that’s such a hassle.

7:50 Yeah, let the man finish talking. Rude dreadlocks guy.

9:00 Oh boy, vendettas. Those are exciting.

9:34 You can tell this is a virus program because of the skull and crossbones.

10:20 Wait, I thought she decided she was going to become a ballerina again.

10:45 These guys were trying to steal our motorbikes! Let’s remove the entire government!

11:35 Can we stop talking about stuff we know already! And do these guys talk about anything but the ballerina? She is such a Mary Sue.

12:11 Come on! Make out with her! It’ll be hot!

12:35 What a bunch of yokels! “Hey, are you that wanted criminal? I can’t tell, all girls look the same to me! But hey, it’s neat if you are!”

13:40 Oh no, a single police officer near the protest! That’s a big deal!

14:09 Who is everybody? You know one other person.

15:20 Yes this was the worst idea! Start throwing rocks at them, that will make it better.

15:54 Wait, did they search the railcar or not? There were no other people on it! How did she not get caught?

16:45 Wait, these fascists who have knowingly used violence in the past can’t use violence against us!

17:18 Oh what the hell are the odds?

18:08 OH NO! Then they will stop her, realize that she isn’t the person they think she is, and then let her go.

18:46 Or she’s going do something stupid that will get her killed.

18:54 In other news, holy shit they just killed a civilian in cold blood without even checking to see if it was the right person.

This is all very moody and touching and awful, but…where the hell are the cops? Did they just…leave?

21:37 Don’t blame him! He is literally the least responsible person. And she died because she decided to go for a Sunday drive and stupidly didn’t notice she was being pursued by the military. Not to blame the victim…but…

23:35 Obviously, no wacky hijinks.

Verdict: So, the military is done, right? There is no goddamn way they are getting away with this. They killed a civilian who looked nothing like the person they were trying to actually apprehend, and used extreme force in an unwarranted situation in front of hundreds of witnesses. At the very least they are going to get sued into oblivion. I don’t want to suggest the death of this character isn’t tragic (and a bit manipulative on the writer’s part), but this is actually one of the more heartening things that happened, because it means things are going to change, and fast. Oh, and fuck those yahoos who mistook the crush girl for the ballerina despite having a different face shape, glasses, and using a completely different bike. If anything, those jackasses are responsible for this.

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