Friday, February 17, 2012

Rideback - Episode 9: "In the Sunny Garden"

Yeah, the garden seems fine, but then there’s some terrorism and a forced murder confession and suddenly roses seem dumb and pointless in comparison.

LAST TIME: Ballerina’s got a boyfriend ballerina’s got a boyfriend. Also, apparently the worldwide political conflict is actually just a pissy fight between former colleagues, so that’s pretty catty.


0:50 Also, where are we and how did we get here and are we at all going to figure out how that battle ended?

1:29 He regrets making the coolest motorcycle on the planet? It has flame decals, guys. FLAME DECALS!

3:11 Meanwhile, at a hospital, some guy we don’t know.

This woman is amused about absolutely everything, isn’t she?

4:53 OH BULLSHIT! You shut down an entire industry because terrorists happen to use them? This is like shutting down the compact mirror industry because they are very helpful to spies.

6:00 It’s almost like people think they have rights and shit.

6:12 Jesus, his arm is still bleeding? Hasn’t it been hours?

6:59 Question: Who set that forest on fire? Also, is it still burning? Those are notoriously hard to put out.

7:38 It has been literally five episodes since she’s ridden that stupid motorbike. Get over it lady!

8:10 Wait, Blonde Girl has access to a safe house? Why?

9:13 I refuse to sit here and do nothing! I will totally join this forum that disagrees with the problem!

9:48 That makes me feel so good that I’m just going to talk out loud like nobody does.

10:12 So…is this a private fishing hole that the police don’t even know about? Also, what’s wrong with sending someone to the damn store?

11:19 Yes! That’s super obnoxious, you spoiled brat.

11:57 Wait wait wait, she is admitting that her motorcycle boyfriend is just her overobsessing to compensate for not being a ballerina anymore? But…that’s depth or whatever.

12:48 I…I always wonder who exactly Japanese people are praying to exactly at those shrines.

13:36 And the reporter is in Arizona now, apparently.

14:02 Then why the hell did you call?

14:45 It took her two episodes to get some guy to put Fuego in a van?

15:20 Man the stalker’s voice is super shrill.

16:06 Oh man, if they have a Critical Mass style ride about, that would be as heartwarming and pointless.

16:49 Oh it would be so fucked up if the dad didn’t answer.

17:49 What is this garage with all these nice cars doing here?

18:05 OH NO, she’s going to relapse!

19:23 She just broke up with her boyfriend! (motorcycle)

19:55 Instant army, just add water.

20:29 Wait is that a smart phone? I thought phones in this universe were stupid tiny.

Oil is not easy to find?

21:32 Hi, this is a video of me waving, I’m not being held captive or anything, no one off screen holding a gun to my head.

21:56 And…everyone is crying and it’s kinda gross.

23:35 Long time no see? We just saw you! Moments ago. Is the end credits version of you a separate entity?

Verdict: Another slow-paced pointless filler episode, meant to built tension or whatever and entirely worthless over all. Guess they can’t all be action-packed gunfests. Although I find it weird that a random ban on dumb bikes is enough to cause the entire population to revolt. How popular are these things?

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