Monday, February 27, 2012

No Ordinary Family - Episode 14: "No Ordinary Double Standard"

Let me just nip this in the bud and say how women are generally portrayed in a sexist manner in comic books and assume that I spent a good deal of time make this point clear, and then direct you to Comics Alliance for some thoughtful essays on the matter. Man, that’s the second time I’ve recommended reading based entirely on the title of this show. Apparently they are more interesting than I thought.

LAST TIME: Die Hard, Breakfast Club, and X-Men respectively. The concept of hiding their superpowers from strangers is apparently out the window, as Chiklis, Minion, and Darla all accidentally or otherwise use their powers in such a blatant way that it can’t possible be ignored (and Tiberius was totally considering it to impress a girl). But I have the strangest feeling that it just won’t come up this episode. Don’t know why, just a gut reaction.

0:04 Hey the opening changed! Good, I really wasn’t a fan of the first one.

0:44 Hey! It’s Marie from Breaking Bad! I hope she steals something.

Nightcrawler is in this episode, apparently.

1:31 Chiklis thinks he is quite a catch.

1:58 But I am the police!

2:50 Yep, just using my telekinetic power to make pancakes. As you do!

3:28 Maybe start with telling her your REAL NAME, Minion.

4:09 Tiberius, moron, you know for a fact she likes you. She kissed you last episode, we were all there.

5:01 Hang on, how did she not see this guy who attacked her friend? She got to the house in under ten seconds. Where did the guy go?

5:20 Green Lantern and Hawkgirl?! In what universe were those two ever a couple? (Yes, I know, the Diniverse Justice League cartoon, but still. Weird choice.) Also, Marcia ships Luke Cage and Iron Fist.

5:45 There’s no reason to stay at work and, you know, work. I’m just going to go.

6:32 Hang on, Darla went and interviewed this random guy? Why? And why didn’t we get to see that?

In other news, Chiklis is an asshole.

8:29 Sex right, you talking about sex? I think you’re talking about sex.

9:06 Oh okay, not Nightcrawler, just a very showy Veil.

10:05 And now they are having a pissy competition. (And we are doing that stupid back-and-forth finish each other’s conversation thing again. Hate this.)

11:28 You…you know that she can lie, right? That being able to read minds doesn’t also mean she’s required to tell the truth?

12:14 Oh! Do that memory wipe thing. That’s a pretty cool trick that hasn’t goddamn mattered yet.

12:50 I was really worried they were only going to give Marie like thirty seconds of screen time.

14:11 WHAT? Those images don’t look the same at all!

14:41 Eat Pray Love will be such a timely reference.

Hang on, professional grade sketch artist software only costs $40? Photoshop costs over ten times more than that, and it’s a consumer product.

15:53 Man, I really hate when people say “Person A is Person A,” because it conveys literally nothing.

She is so responsible with her superpowers! (I hate her I hate her I hate her.)

17:48 That was cutest little scene that conveyed that people actually work at this office. Nice.

18:16 Marcia is trying to buy off MC Skat Kat with a smoothie.

18:50 Oh never mind, she is using a device of some kind to…steal info? Huh?

19:32 Okay extra, so, just walk down the hall like a high school student or whatever. Here, wear this scarf.

20:35 What the hell book is Chiklis reading? Is that a book about Merlin? I didn’t peg him as the fantasy type.

21:12 Oh man, this is the new fast running animation? Not a fan.

Darla made it to the house and realized she totally didn’t have a plan. Great work.

Ethan Suplee is playing the villain in this?! I guess he’s looking for a picture of a sailboat.

23:42 That was really smug for no reason.

24:23 For some reason the crime computer keeps on bringing up episodes of My Name is Earl, I don’t get it.

25:33 I can’t believe that Bender is on Chiklis’s side either. This is a dumb conflict.

25:56 Oh dear Tiberius made it to Make-out Point!

26:39 PSSSHH! Tiberius is still crushing on that other girl. Dumdum.

27:47 "You don’t have to worry, my boyfriend is not a corporate spy." (Something some writer actually thought someone would say.)

28:50 Wait, where are the hell are they? This is not their house. We’ve seen all their house.

29:56 Hey guys, did you want to see Julia Benz naked? Well lucky you!

30:50 Surprisingly, it is hard to hit a guy who can turn to mist.

31:26 Oh no! Apparently Marie is one of the evil scientists who have been giving random criminals superpowers. (Also, great plan, stupids.)

32:34 Oh good work, Pills. Just try to walk home through the worst part of town. (You can tell it’s the wrong part of town because there’s a siren.)

33:14 Wait, she now has Jedi powers too? Since when? How many more bonus powers does she need to be a worthwhile character?

Hang on, you still think Ethan Suplee is a villain?

34:20 The Big Bad decided to taunt his guinea pig with a pun.

35:27 It sure is convenient that the Big Bad is unconscious during this scene where Darla proves that she has powers.

36:15 Just throw that anywhere, Chiklis.

37:10 Can people who lie print things out on paper? CAN THEY?

37:47 Is he using his memory erasing powers on his girlfriend?! What an asshole.

38:31 This is a super important conversation I need to have with my boss, but ain’t no reason I can’t have a glass of wine during it. No reason to stay alert.

38:48 Darla is now deathly afraid of taking showers. She is going to start to smell…

39:55 Haha, abuse of superpowers is great.

41:06 Man, how many special commemorative events are they going to have? This is the second one we’ve seen.

41:34 Oh, and Marie is dead, apparently. From a new villain with poison dart powers.

41:59 OH SHIT THERE WERE CAMERAS! Very high quality cameras. This will get real!

Verdict: The wheels the wheels are turning. I hope that we finally get around to some true superheroics and less stupid "pretending to be normal" nonsense. I had a lot of fun with the guest stars this time, they had quite a budget in this one. Hopefully it evolves to some kind of true conflict here soon, as each side becomes increasingly aware of the other.

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