Friday, December 30, 2011

Rideback - Episode 4: "A Close Call for Shoko"

Oh no! Wait, which one is Shoko? Is he the guy with the glasses? Or the guy with no pupils? Or that third chubby guy? Or the stalker chick? Okay, I don’t know anyone’s name. Ever. In fact, I couldn’t tell you the name of the main character of ANY of the shows I’ve watched. The only name I still adequately remember is Dmitri, and that’s because his character was played by Harold.

LAST TIME: The big race was apparently right around the corner, and everyone raced. The ballerina did okay but crashed her loaner rideback, but apparently isn’t responsible for it because… Oh, and also some political intrigue, I don’t know.

0:11 Who left the TV on overnight?

0:35 Yeah, I could have just gone to a professional with this, but I decided, eh, why not dick around with it for a while first?

1:24 So, she’s going to hang out in a dingy garage instead of going to the mall with her friend like she promised? There’s still time.

1:44 OH SHIT WHITE RIDEBACK! It’s coming!

3:21 Well, I can try again, but that question is completely unrelated to what I was talking about, so.

4:04 Some time apart from my boyfriend would be healthy, go ahead and take him to the shop.

4:28 BAG CAM!

4:45 Who is this lady? She is lovely.

5:35 Oh no earthquake! Or something!

6:26 Um, shit, guess we’re starting that political intrigue plot now. Terrorists, everyone.

7:05 These journalists have balls of steel. They did not even move!

7:32 Presented: impossible to get past traffic, a couple of cars.

8:06 By the way, the BMA terrorist group totally have a website that anyone can go to.

9:02 Unless Feugo can fly, I have no idea how you think you’re going to get there.

9:46 Seriously, where are all the cars?

10:13 The BMA are not murderers! *BLAM BLAM!*

10:58 Specifically, we are talking about people riding motorcycles on top of pedestrian walkways like badasses.

12:17 Lady! Watch the road! Don’t text and drive!

12:59 How is she going to get in? I thought the whole place was surrounded by guys with guns.

13:17 Oh hey cool motorcycle, anyway, get out of here.

13:54 So…you’re just going to knockout gas everyone inside? All that will do is make sure all the hostages are unconscious.

14:35 Neither can the audience! What a weird thing to happen!

14:59 Oh right…the terrorists.

15:26 Hey the army! What’s up?

15:36 Oh my heavens! They just started shooting at our heroes!

16:17 How’s it going, I’m standing exactly where I was last time you saw me. So, don’t be surprised.

16:45 Um…I asked a question!

17:24 Crazy idea, maybe stop for ten seconds and put up your arms or something? I mean, I know it’s not cool, but you do have some serious explaining to do.

17:57 How many goddamn blockades did the government plan to set up for this one attack against a building half a mile away?

18:51 Um, fuck, rocket launcher. Also, who just said that?

19:28 The amount of time she spends flying through the air is a little crazy.

20:01 That is the best question! What on earth does she think she’s doing?

20:33 What? Ridebacks can choose their rider? Are they magic?

21:16 He apologized for all violence everywhere, because I guess he has that kind of authority.

21:41 Oh good, I was kinda worried the friend died of shock.

23:40 Haha! The minor supporting character is not afraid to go to jail because he knows he’s a minor supporting character.

Verdict: You know, I guess I should have seen this sort of thing showing up eventually, they have been foreshadowing this, but that really feels like it came out of nowhere. Getting the two sides to meet felt really forced, but also pretty shocking. And now magic is involved? I don’t know. Good thing she totally ditched her friend and didn’t go to the mall though!

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