Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Trouble #2

Well…that’s a cute (and sexy) pic, but this story isn’t about lesbians. What is with the blonde? She is WAY into the other girl. And the other girl is way into you! Man, I think the entire newsstand is about to get laid.

LAST TIME: A couple of nice girls and a couple of rocking guys go to the Hamptons to work for the summer, and it’s hard work and all, but then they totally get laid! Can’t wait for this raucous event to be consequence-free!

Page 1, Panel 1: Whose arm is that? How is she holding it?

Page 2, Panel 2: Yeah sure. Orgasming too quickly is a compliment! Of course of course.

Page 2, Panel 4: Yeah, I don’t smoke, but I thought my first thoat-harming, embarrassing puff should be right here, in bed with a pretty lady, who I failed to properly satisfy!

Page 3, Panel 1: YOU HAVE? Man, May is a freak.

Page 3, Panel 4: That is rude! Not even asking him what thing he’s saving up for. Also, have you heard of a bank, May? Stores your money safely and securely?

Page 4, Panel 1: Why would you want a camper van? Why would anyone want a camper van! (Also, that suddenly moves the actual year this is supposed to be happening to about 1970 or so. Well…except for the Reese’s Pieces earlier, which weren’t introduced until 1978. You know what, I misread the Emmannuelle comment earlier, so…let’s say 1979! That sounds fine! Right then.)

Page 4, Panel 5: I thought only your brother cared about cars! Only one member of any family can care about cars!

Page 5, Panel 1: His argument for why he’s afraid his Daddy doesn’t love him enough is “there are a lot of people in the world.” I…can’t make one and one here.

Page 5, Panel 3: Because…he was already making moves on the blonde, and she didn’t feel the need to be confrontational with her friend?

Page 6, Panel 2: Hey it’s okay, baby. We can do it with our shirts on if you want.

Page 7, Panel 1: My, what a rational and mature response. I can’t wait to see where this…

Page 7, Panel 5: …oh, never mind. He’s screaming incoherently about hippies.

Page 8, Panel 1: Maybe stop masturbating?

Page 8, Panel 3: Don’t the brothers share a room? Where is Ben and May doing all this banging?

Page 9, Panel 2: A subtle dig at the increasing price point of the comic books of the competition there. Superman books are so expensive these days, you guys. (Also, again with period confusion. In the 70’s, comic books were going for 35 cents on average.)

Page 9, Panel 3: Why would you want to blind your customers? That’s bad business.

Page 10, Panel 2: Women are their colored dresses, am I right?

Page 11, Panel 4: So…our heroes are obnoxious dicks then. Good to know!

Page 13, Panel 1: Norrie Mirkin? That’s a dumb name.

Page 13, Panel 3: Ew. Ripoff troll dolls.

Page 14, Panel 2: So, pants are optional, huh? Also, what else could she have possibly meant, idiot? Did you seriously think you’d been dating for fourteen years?

Page 15, Panel 1: Oh yeah! Behind the rock sex!

Page 15, Panel 3: Yes, bland, meaningless sex is totally what he wants.

Page 15, Panel 5: That is the worst palm-reader ever! I thought they were supposed to tell you shit you wanted to hear, not call you a hussy. Did you get your palm read at the church fair? And what happens if you’re unmarried at 21?

Page 16, Panel 2: Behind him there is the ominous death cloud of being wrong.

Page 16, Panel 4: Man, I hate this palm reader. What a bitch.

Page 17, Panel 5: Nice hoodie with a huge yellow square on it, dick ass.

Page 18, Panel 3: Yeah, Jerry! Don’t pick on the help, it’s unseemly.

Page 18, Panel 5: Oh you did not call May a prostitute!

Page 19, Panel 2: Oh wait no, never mind, she didn’t actually punch him. Why would I have assumed that happened, book? Sequential art?

Page 20, Panel 4: Do…panda bears often cry?

Page 22, Panel 1: And makeouts, I guess.

Verdict: OH! I totally didn’t realize that this was the other guy, because their faces look exactly the same, and she didn’t say his name. I guess she’s cheating on Ben then. That’s great. Interesting. Okay, I’m with it.

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