Monday, December 19, 2011

No Ordinary Family - Episode 5: "No Ordinary Quake"

Ah man, I don’t want to watch an earthquake plot. They always go exactly the same way. People acting normal, then there’s an earthquake, then they deal with it. Rarely entertaining, and usually a reminder of how goddamn terrifying earthquakes are.

LAST TIME: Tiberius tried to join the football team, while Pills tries to attend a party and got busted trying to buy alcohol despite looking 12. Also, I guess Chiklis was seen by some guy in the park? I don’t remember, it wasn’t that interesting.

0:04 An ordinary family that put a lot of emphasis on a single football.

0:41 That is the hugest pharmacy display I’ve ever seen.

1:12 That is literally impossible! Shoes are still relatively cheap! That was a clumsy transition.


2:07 Why were those boxes on the top shelf? That is a huge safety hazard!

3:17 Good job on saving Pippi Longstocking, guys.

3:55 That would be the lamest superpower ever. “I have the proportional willpower and self-esteem of a spider!”

5:15 Oh my this is uncomfortable. They really shouldn’t have slept together.

5:56 Why would a secretary in the courts know this about the earthquake?

6:44 Ah man, I was hoping she was playing WoW or something.

7:01 Is…that a floppy disk? In 2010?

7:23 I hate lamp!

8:03 This guy is wearing his “having illicit relations with a student” glasses.

9:12 A…sex teacher!

9:36 I wonder how many times they are going to walk around talking about how they have superpowers in public.

10:01 Wait…so that huge pharmacy display was actually a plot point?

10:18 Ah! Face full of glass!

10:35 Is that like an assignment on the chalkboard each morning? Ah man, I have to be the guy who runs along when someone says, “Let’s go, people.”

11:15 Also, if you’re not clean, wouldn’t you have been kicked off the football team already?

11:53 That’s what I think when I don’t get jokes. “I so don’t get it! God, I’m dumb!”

12:49 Hahaha! Yeah, seriously, how would that help? Chiklis volunteer to draw a picture of a guy they already had a picture of.

13:30 No, no, no, the wife has superspeed. How have you forgotten already?

15:03 Didn’t see you there, I was just doing something illegal!

15:19 Hey guys, remember the movie Inception?

15:39 Oh, he has Matrix vision.

16:12 I wonder what those two guys who are always in the establishing shot for the police station are talking about.

17:37 Oh no the bad guy is a lady! They always treat this as shocking, because women are completely unable to commit crime.

18:21 Why would you bring up that you were having sex in the shower? Seriously?

20:18 I can’t believe you’ve never heard about this until now!

20:45 Was…she high?

21:23 Why would you be testing to see if he was pregnant?

22:17 Truthfully, I think his mind should have just been screaming, “FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK.”

23:31 Why do people on TV always answer their cell phones before checking to see who it is first?

25:02 A train is a locomotive, stupid.

25:43 Wait…the rest of the family doesn’t know other people don’t have superpowers?

26:53 Goodbye whoever the hell you are!

27:54 So it took Marcia no more than 20 hours to crack. Great person to keep a secret.

28:57 I have a really hard time adequately portraying anger as an actor, despite being a big old sack of meat.

29:49 That was a weird conversation.

30:28 She should have done a Jurassic Park entrance, that would have been cool.

31:24 So…they managed to capture Earthquake girl without a problem? No conflict whatsoever.

32:04 Why on Earth aren’t these people reacting as if there’s an actual earthquake? They all live in California.

33:52 This lady is a real bitch.

34:18 OH NO! The bad guy with telekinesis just totally saw Chiklis!

35:05 WHAAATTT. If that was what was really going on, why the hell wouldn’t anyone say that?

37:38 And you were all defensive as shit and didn’t just set the record straight when I made it absolutely clear what I was asking…

38:17 But I have no hard feelings towards you, despite the fact that you ruined my career.

39:12 They trick you into talking about them in a crowded locker room.

39:45 Ah, the way to convey emotion to one in football pads: pushing them.

40:39 Yeah, he’s that really tiny guy out there, the one who looks like a grasshopper or something.

41:20 What are you doing?! You do not have super rushing powers!

Verdict: Stop talking about your superpowers! Seriously, these guys suck at having secret identities. A few cursory glances aren’t going to help. And how is Chiklis not dead? He was totally caught by that guy. And of course nothing really advanced. I guess everyone knows Tiberius has powers, that’s fine.

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