Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Trouble #3

Oh my I’m chewing bubblegum! Isn’t that hot and sexy and do you want to buy me a drink? Please? I’m in between jobs right now, and I could really stand to be drunk right now…

LAST TIME: Ben and May totally do it! And then everyone acts like a dick, and then May cheats on her boyfriend for no reason whatsoever. Seriously, why? Because he wasn’t being a dick at that one particular moment? If it was that easy, I would be rolling in…um, never mind.

Page 1, Panel 1: How much do you need, woman? Do you ask that of all your conquests? Just a little emasculation to make sure you’re in charge?

Page 2, Panel 3: Check out these two jackamoos. It’s like they’re asking to be cheated on.

Page 3, Panel 6: You could not buy a magazine at all, maybe? Go to the library? Anything?

Page 4, Panel 1: It’s almost like sleeping with you in a huge mistake, and that I might have a mental disorder that prevents me from connecting on anything but a sexual level.

Page 5, Panel 4: I’m curious, does this shit actually happen? Where people are totally catty and bitchy towards each other, hurling insults so vigorously that they just start banging? Because I hate people, and…there I go ahead.

Page 6, Panel 1: You told your friend!? The friend whose boyfriend you are cheating with?!

Page 7, Panel 1: Ho ho, the Soviets! Everyone remember that crappy Cold War?

Page 7, Panel 5: Ah, the classic Breasts of Obliviousness.

Page 8, Panel 4: That is reassuring, May! Just after some outdoor fucking, go ahead and tell your boyfriend how incredibly fertile you are!

Page 9, Panel 2: Anyone who would totally let me go at it on the first date. I mean, you are very easy.

Page 9, Panel 4: And humble too.

Page 11, Panel 3: Oh of course those jerks were in town for a polo competition. The whitest and richest sport of them all!

Page 11, Page 4: I didn’t think the hoodie with the giant yellow square on it was that bad…just easy to make fun of.

Page 12, Panel 1: Screw you, my boss, the man in charge of my paycheck!

Page 12, Panel 3: Wait, that’s something you are required to promise a cop?

Page 12, Panel 5: Um…that’s a little too homoerotic for my fight scenes. Why not fight him in public?

Page 13, Panel 1: Woo! Wicked jump, bro!

Page 13, Panel 4: Did…did Ben kill that guy?

Page 14, Panel 1: Oh, never mind, Ben got his ass kicked, because he sucks at everything.

Page 14, Panel 4: Ah, that explains why Ben would get mercilessly gunned down in the street in 40 years. (spoilers)

Page 15, Panel 2: What? Ben would have gotten fired if that fat asshole would have pressed charges for beating him up? How is that remotely fair?

Page 16, Panel 1: Hey guys, what’s going on in this thread? Oh my heavens!

Page 17, Panel 3: OH NO! We are entering Three’s Company level of misunderstanding here!

Page 18, Panel 1: That’s sounds sexy and all, but there’s a contrived reason why we can’t do that. Reason 1: There’s no reason I can’t do that myself.

Page 18, Panel 4: Seriously? You couldn’t check to see if the lacrosse team was VISIBLE FROM YOUR EXACT LOCATION before making up that lie?

Page 19, Panel 4: And it’s all your fault, you harpy.

Page 20, Panel 2: More like poker night! I’m the her in this scenario! I’m going to an orgy!

Page 20, Panel 3: Guys, damn it, this is the second printing. How did you miss that grammatical error a second time?

Page 21, Panel 1:
Is…is that a woman?

Page 21, Panel 2: Hang on, they got caught by the boss and he just let it go? Seriously? I find that unbelievable.

Page 22, Panel 5: What’s a rabbit-test? Is that a 70’s thing? (oh, it’s an archaic and cruel form of pregnancy test. They literally kill a rabbit every time.)

Page 23, Panel 1: Oh no May is pregnant! (Of course she is.)

Verdict: I’m having a hard time sympathizing with May! She cheats, she lies, she hangs out with a bunch of gross jerks. I think she has a problem, and watching a girl ruin her life and hurt everyone she knows is not my idea of a fun read. Even if she’s fictional.

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