Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Trouble #1

Here we are! A comic universally reviled for being awful! The weirdest slice of pie from Marvel’s plate. A story aimed at the wrong audience at the wrong time, that just doesn’t seem to understand what it is up to. I’ve mentioned Trouble before, when I reviewed 15 Love (I liked the rest of those, by the way), as an attempt by the House of Ideas to branch out and tell stories that weren’t just about costumed heroes and their various trials. So…we have Aunt May getting knocked up. Really not sure how they got from point A to point B here. But…no reason to not just start reading.

SPECIAL NOTE: What the hell is up with the covers of this series? Who are these girls? They aren’t in the book. They don’t look like the comic characters. And they don’t make me want to read this book. It makes the book look like a Russian bride mail order catalog.

Page 1, Panel 1: Yeah, they say that’s a Mustang, but the signature grill seems to have a dinosaur on it instead of a horse. Also, I immediately assume this guy is a douche bag, because he drives a Mustang.

Page 1, Panel 2: Don’t worry Ma! I’m not a stripper yet! Give me a couple of years.

Page 2, Panel 2: Okay, they are seriously setting this up to be Dirty Dancing levels of depressing. There is no way these kids are going to church when they get there.

Page 3, Panel 1: Ha ha ha! Here I am laughing at a gay accusation in a time where black people still don’t have equal rights yet! This is believable!

Page 4, Panel 2: I…don’t think you’re allowed to drink liquor on the bus. Where’d you get the shot glasses?

Page 5, Panel 1: Dear Diary, I have decided that keeping a diary is a really convenient narrative tool that requires no explanation or set-up, so I’ve decided to keep you even though I said I don’t want to do this.

Page 5, Panel 3: Oh that’s kinda cute, the credits are on the random signs they are passing. Too bad I didn’t really notice right away.

Page 6, Panel 2: OKAY we get it! Diaries suck! You know, bitching about how much diaries suck to your diary seems remarkable stupid.

Page 9, Panel 4: And incompetence leads to suffering. Hey dickbutt, the best way to make sure there’s a lot of fucking in the employee cabins is to forcibly prohibit it.

Page 10, Panel 5: You’re going to work them so hard they’ll be too tired to poop?

Page 11, Panel 2: This lady character doesn’t make sense. How is she always reading her book?

Page 12, Panel 1: Waitress? I thought they were on the cleaning staff. How many jobs does each person have here?

Page 12, Panel 4: Um…no, telling her she won’t be getting a tip means that she’s going to spit in your food.

Page 13, Panel 3: And there we go! Don’t be dicks to the staff, folks!

Page 14, Panel 2: Those are the complicated rules about ladies! You’d think we wouldn’t need the half-open drapes rule, because man that seems so unlikely, but there it is!

Page 14, Panel 3: Is that a modern box of condoms? What the hell year is it? I was to believe, based on the bus and the car and setting and everything, that is was the 60’s. Also, it takes two and a half years for condoms to expire on average. When did you buy those, when you were 12?

Page 15, Panel 1: If you don’t want your staff bonking between shifts, why would you let them attend the dance?

Page 15, Panel 3: Saying you have a big penis is evil.

Page 17, Panel 4: This May character is ruthlessly sexy. And probably drunk.

Page 18, Panel 1: Okay jeez stop it guys, I get it. It is, in fact, the 60’s. I’m sorry for bringing up the condoms earlier, just stop with the era dropping, okay.

Page 18, Panel 4: There’s something in the water? When did this turn into a slasher film?

Page 19, Panel 1: Oh never mind, it’s guys being guys. Per eugh.

Page 19, Panel 3: What kind of orgiastic activities? What other kinds are there that involve bras on the ground?

Page 19, Panel 4: Is the snooty boss under the impression that they are out there sexing up mermaids?

Page 20, Panel 4: Who are those two dummies in the background?

Page 21, Panel 1: Wait…you guys stayed behind and watched yourself almost get caught? And how did you managed to get your clothes back on?

Page 22, Panel 4: I’m sorry, but you went too far, I have no choice but to rape you.

Page 23, Panel 4: Wait he stood down?! But this is a story about teenage sex! But Mark Millar of all people!

Page 24, Panel 1: All that effort of bringing up his expiring condoms, and he goddamn forgets them? Ben is an idiot.

Page 24, Panel 3: Oh okay, May has one. I have no comment about what this says about her character. Also, this panel is gross.

Verdict: For a story going exactly where I think it’s going, this isn’t too bad. The characters are pretty stock, especially the snooty boss couple, and while May’s character is refreshingly “open“, shall we say, I don’t think it was lost on readers even before the twist reveal that these characters are named Ben and May, and ew ew ew Aunt May was sexually aggressive as a teen! But not that poorly written for a first issue.

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