Monday, December 26, 2011

No Ordinary Family - Episode 6: "No Ordinary Visitors"

They are from outer space! And they have wacky powers! How will we keep that noisy neighbor from finding out? Stop snooping, Mrs. Kravitz!

LAST TIME: Some chick with earthquake powers bothers the family, but not that much, and they definitely don’t succeed in taking care of the problem at all. Also, the bad guys totally know who they are now, so that’s bad. Oh, and some idiot decides that not coming clean about a relationship he’s having with a student’s parent was wiser than keeping it super secret and endangering his career, because he’s an idiot.

0:37 Why would he suddenly forget that it was Tuesday?

1:04 HAHAHA! He totally sliced the knife through the goddamn table! Wouldn’t the knife give out before he could do that?

1:39 Oh no! Boiling water to the face! Don’t house invade during dinner preparation!

2:29 That is adorable! She tried to read the thoughts of a dog!

3:28 We wouldn’t want you to actually trying to make things nice for us! We’d rather be able to guilt trip you!

4:37 Um! You knew someone who got killed just because she knew you had superpowers! It think it might be a bad idea.

5:15 Bow chika wow wow.

6:07 Satan has a vested interest in the AARP. I knew it!

6:53 That didn’t look suspicious at all!

7:47 Of course, the bane of sketch artists everywhere. Masks!

8:15 Haha! MC Skat Kat just called Chiklis’s parents terrorists.

9:01 What kind of horrible parents snoop through their grown daughter’s home?

9:23 Rap artists buy a lot of sneakers, right?

10:32 Oh shit what was that? Are her powers evolving?

11:27 Oh no this kid cannot tell the difference between a ratchet and a crescent wrench! Burn him alive!

12:10 Also not how computer monitors work.

12:32 Chiklis! Stop trying to do your job!

13:18 But I’m suddenly very good at pool! What kind of dick grandpa bets against his own grandson?

13:59 MC Skat Kat needs a goddamn hobby.

14:57 Sir, were you aware that you were traveling at regular speeds down the road with all lights on?

15:48 Are we supposed to like his character more after that little hissyfit?

16:29 This guy has a distinct look of “Is this chick coming on to me?”

17:30 Sure was nice that the rest of the police cleared out of the break room right then.

18:31 Not creepy, Marcia.

19:14 I’ve only known her for like ten seconds and she’s said about three words to me, but I still think she’s really nice!

20:07 I mean, you don’t have a mustache or anything. Why would he trust you?

21:29 WHAT? You’ve grifted 30 bucks off your grandson? You are an asshole sir! He doesn’t have a job!

22:49 You wanted your daughter to go to Wellesley? Did you want to raise a lesbian?

23:30 Okay, by my count, he’s sunk the orange ball three times already.

23:51 “Keep your ears on, Van Gogh.”

24:31 That is the face of a man who did something extremely stupid.

25:17 I’m confused, was he not supposed to do his job as a police sketch artist?

26:10 Dang man, maybe go to a doctor or something? You still have third-degree burns on your face.

27:16 This lady really needs to stop going against her own word. Stop using your powers for convenience’s sake, Darla.

28:59 No seriously stop it you assholes! A man is allowed to be late to dinner!

30:02 Obviously the grandparents think you’re having an affair. Figure it out!

31:26 Poor Marcia should have excused herself from the table with the kids.

32:00 Grand Canyon. Not as impressive at night.

32:22 Maybe go near the lowest part of the roof, MC Skat Kat? Who tries to climb down from the top?

33:19 Haha! Speedster joke!

34:23 How’s it going, here to save you! Don’t ask any questions!

35:01 Oh, she is hanging out in the outdoor living room of dread.

35:40 She visited the Grand Canyon and walked away with some baloney New Age philosophy?

36:51 Why was Grandpa lurking behind a tree?!

37:15 If he doesn’t try to kiss her, I am going to be severely disappointed in his macking skills.

38:23 They have to take a cab back because this moron bet his car! Haha! The dummy!

39:34 What? This horrible woman is suddenly a good mother?

40:54 Pills gets the car? Why? How is that remotely fair?

41:10 Thanks Cee-Lo. Thanks for writing this catchy song that nobody is allowed to actually sing.

41:55 The entire family worked together to fix a broken down car. Just like the Fantastic Four did in Issue #17. (I’m making that up.)

Verdict: Meh! I hate in-law subplots, because they usually go out of their way to make normal people act just as awful as possible. The fact that this blowhard got some divine comeuppance was pretty great though. Haha! We stole your car, dick!

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