Monday, January 2, 2012

No Ordinary Family - Episode 7: "No Ordinary Mobster"

Really? This show has mobsters now? Is it suddenly the 1930’s? Does he have time travel powers? Because that is the only way I’m going to be remotely interested in a goddamn mobster.

LAST TIME: The stereotypical in-laws showed up and were really awful to everyone, but it turned out alright because the father-in-law got some cosmic comeuppance. Oh, also Pills can now see actual images of someone’s mind if she touches them, because they ran out of plot points involving just hearing stray thoughts already. This was used for some dumb plot involving a guy with burns on his face that he didn’t feel like treating.

0:30 Rococo’s! It is a restaurant!

1:01 I’m confused, isn’t there wait staff to set up the party? I mean, if they reserved this room…

1:57 HAHA! MC Skat Kat knew right away that he was getting a surprise party. I sure wish I knew why!

2:09 Hey it’s Fred! Nice to see you’re getting work again.

2:44 Some guy in the audience actually said “really?” to the not guilty verdict.

3:32 I know, person that didn’t hear that conversation but happened to say exactly what the audience was thinking! Nice transition.

3:52 Wait…this guy is bisexual? Because that the only reason I can think why he’d be able to date some of the guys.

4:04 Oh my! I’m shocked because it was really dark and you showed me a bright light!

4:42 Wait…if the hosts don’t know who she is, then how did she get an invite to the party?

5:24 Oh jeez, don’t science this. It makes it gross.

6:01 Isn’t she a scientist? Isn’t she smart? Why does she talk all weird to her genius son?

6:42 HO HO! It’s funny because she’s a nerd. (A hot, hot nerd.)

7:11 That’s right, knowing who two fairly popular comic book characters are, two characters who have had movies made of their exploits, is the reason why she’s single. Stop with the nerd shaming, assholes. You are writing a TV show about superheroes. And why would she mention Lex Luthor positively? He’s a villain!

7:40 We'll figure out why someone named Luca doesn’t have an accent…

8:08 Apparently there’s a birthday exception to potential sexual harassment.

8:39 Oh what the fuck?! Why the hell did she get shot?

9:44 And of course, after I threatened him, he decided to shoot my partner, instead of me, even though I was right there.

10:35 Hey, stop zooming in, I want to watch this show about stingrays.

10:56 Every time they do an establishing shot of the science building, I always think about The Secret World of Alex Mack.

11:33 Um…no. We’re not friends. That’s why I didn’t say hi, douchebag.

12:09 Wait, this random guy wants to go to a museum, and his girlfriend broke up with him because of it? How anti-intellectual is she?

12:49 On account of my lack of hair. You notice that I’m bald, right? Nobody ever makes a bald joke about Chiklis.

13:18 This guy is still looking into Chiklis’s identity? It’s been three episodes! Why didn’t you just check his wallet?

14:13 And so, because that happened to one guy, we just assumed that this research has some Cthulhu-like properties that drive anyone working on it insane, so we suggest you stop.

15:27 Then why did you call the cops at all then?!

16:24 Obviously, the guy who managed to flip over a van would be inside it. Moron.

17:03 There will be no lying around in the alley on our watch!

17:39 Squashed bullets? Why would that be something they even bothered to look for?

18:21 Wait, why is she studying modernist art? Wouldn’t it be enough just to go and look at things with a boy?

19:36 Oh man really? Are they seriously going to do a half-assed earbud feed of information, just updated with mind-reading powers?

20:34 This is a dumb museum! This is obviously just a warehouse that the production staff quickly threw together.

22:16 Wait he was? Where was the drug dealer? Did he get knocked unconscious?

22:59 Obviously, the answer is a Super Cop who can fly and resist bullets.

23:26 Stupid Chiklis had to work for the police department. Stupid typecasting.

24:22 Wooooooooo!

25:08 Wait, I’m confused. How would this plan work? I mean, implicating the goddamn sketch artist as a member of some super powered elite force is just going to seem desperate. If any other DA who didn’t know anything heard this defense, it would fall apart instantly.

26:41 DUN DUN wait how does this random lady know who Darla is?

28:06 Oh no…the effects of the McGuffin is temporary! I guess.

28:38 No no no no no no. Let’s not go this road with these two.

29:13 Ick. Ick! Also, again with the nerd shaming.

29:41 Wait, how does she know that? Does she regularly date 25-year-olds?

30:12 Oh god, no. Tiberius is going to make up a fake person to woo Marcia, because that won’t fucking backfire.

31:37 Did you get a timeline on when we can expect the powers to wear off and drive everyone nuts or…?

32:29 “Let me put it this way. What are you talking about?” I could have just asked what you were talking about, but that wouldn’t be ridiculous.

33:24 That was a great damn line. I commend that line.

34:06 How many friends does Pills have? Every episode she is walking around talking to a different person.

34:38 Just ignore that weird noise!

35:00 “Likes: Graphic Novels. Double Helixes. Dislikes: Cosplay and vaporware.” Just throwing that shit out there to show you how they have no idea what they’re talking about.

35:34 Yeah, that only took five minutes to completely blow up in Tiberius’s face.

36:05 Oh thank goodness. Even I thought 5:45 was a ridiculous time to suggest going to dinner. Thanks for being the voice of reason, Darla.

36:55 Wait, huh? She has a secret bookcase entrance to her room?

37:53 Where the hell are they going? What police station has a creepy elevator that goes to the basement jail?

38:25 Wait…why did the telekinetic minion kill the mobster? For what reason?

39:16 This guy is a terrible actor. He decides to start his apology with a look that says, “you are a stupid son of a bitch.”

40:05 OH NO! The Mexico lady was totally lying and works for the bad guy!

40:35 Wait…shouldn’t the boss know that Darla was in the office not one half hour before she was suddenly in Mexico? Shouldn’t that immediately cue him in to the fact that she totally has superpowers?

41:22 And Minion recognized Chiklis and….lies about it? What the hell is going on?

42:09 WHAT?! NO! NO NO NO!

Verdict: What a terrible cliffhanger! Minion showed up to the date with Marcia, and he’s going to kill her maybe! Wait…how did he know that she was expecting a date that night? How did he know the guy she was expecting was a fake? Why would he be approaching Marcia at all? Doesn't this guy regularly walk around the science building where she works? Why would Minion lie about recognizing Chiklis? Okay never mind this cliffhanger makes no sense.

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