Monday, January 30, 2012

No Ordinary Family - Episode 10: "No Ordinary Sidekick"

I know I’m going to regret this, but I hope they introduce a new character here. Someone with superpowers who isn’t one of these four jerks or a sociopath. Maybe then we can get some light on what the hell is going on?

LAST TIME: A nice night on the town took a left turn into vigilanteville, with Darla decided basic human rights no longer applied if you’re a bad guy, but then the guy died for sand or whatever, so it’s a moot point. Also, some shenanigans involving a broken vase or statue or something, I don’t know, it was sitcom level submoronic. Also, Minion lost his superpowers for a week, no idea why.

0:24 Why the hell don’t they put credits or a title card here?

0:46 Why does that random lady care that those pins were destroyed? Does she have to pay for them?

1:29 Seriously, these are the dumbest super powered people I’ve ever seen. They keep just randomly using their superpowers for selfish, stupid reasons.

2:15 Yeah, we’ve totally met already, remember? At my house? You were there?

2:55 Why did he need to jump to the dry cleaners? It was established as being only two blocks away.

3:48 Is this guy really surprised that the cops showed up? He knew they were coming, because he heard about the holdup on a police scanner. Dummy.

4:41 Or, for that matter, gotten a huge amount of attention from the bowling alley staff! Three perfect games in a row?

5:20 Ohhhh man, where do you think Marcia will hang out? Comic shop? Gaming store? Nerd dungeon? I’m on the edge of my seat.

6:15 Great plan, Asian Scientist. Go ahead and threaten this guy in a dimly lit parking garage. This won’t end badly.

6:59 Or maybe, instead of this plan, call a lawyer and tell them how you were fired for refusing to do something mildly unethical.

7:57 What’s that? The robbers were professional criminals? Perish the thought!

8:51 Smart People’s Club. REALLY? So, we got a nerd dungeon. Great.

9:55 Oh, funny, he’s losing his superpowers because he saw a cute girl. Great superpowers.

10:25 Metrosexual wookiee. Are you fucking kidding me? Too far, writers. Too far.

10:58 I mean, you’d think we could just call the police about an unruly ex-employee.

11:44 We’re going to hang up his picture underneath this picture of a random lady.

12:13 He totally has a girlfriend. We met her. It’s Fred.

12:44 He did? I only saw two guys. Where did these other two guys come from? Also, what crime gang takes four guys to rob a damn dry cleaner?

13:35 Come on, writers, huge nerd or someone who knows what fashion is. Keep this character in line.

14:29 Oh wait I forgot about this! Minion is pretending to be a fake person that Tiberius created on a dating website! What a dumb plan.

15:38 Does he just live in this parking garage now?

16:25 OH NO, Chiklis saved his life! He’s going to be so mad about that! (why?)

17:18 Oh good, Sergeant Douchebag has finally changed his tone.

18:02 Wait, he actually uses exactly measurements to time his super jumps? I find that outrageously unlikely.

18:55 So! Online dating is a huge social stigma that still gets flak for some stupid reason!

19:41 Guys stop doing that. It’s a hack technique, having other people finish the sentences they aren’t hearing.

20:47 Two pissy dumb fights to create some shitty drama.

21:26 Is that a map of the London Underground? Why would he need that in the super lair?

22:05 Oh, smart people stuff. You wouldn’t understand.

22:35 Is that a basket full of billiard balls? That is adorably dumb.

23:11 Did he just give his son the stereotypical advice of how to avoid orgasming?

23:44 Batman traded him in for another Robin. And one time he did that because his current Robin DIED.

24:25 It’s a train full of money. What did you think it was?

25:09 So…just injecting rats with random serums provided by disgruntled former employees now?

25:57 Hi Jan!

26:23 Even TV nerds looks down on wiccans.

27:04 Very clever cover story. One that might have come up before now considering, oh, the fact that he’s nothing like the fake person he was pretending to be.

27:28 Wait, really? He seriously expects her to believe that he had let her call him by the wrong name for weeks now?

28:17 I’m just going to talk about this really loudly in the train terminal!

28:53 HAHAHA! Oh man, he totally leapt on all four of those innocent train conductors!

29:31 Wait…I thought he didn’t have his superpowers. He didn’t get the serum injection. That’s the entire reason why Asian Scientist has the serum in the first place.

30:35 Yeah, using your superbrain to cheat at a game of chess isn’t really going to impress women.

31:16 Completely unexpected, on account of the last two times we talked, you were a drooling moron.

31:53 Just use a mirror! What are you doing?

32:28 So, I guess they aren’t fighting anymore?

32:57 How many awards are they planning to give to this guy? How is this story not old already? It’s been at least three days.

34:02 Hahahaha! Oh, MC Skat Kat told Chiklis he loved him just when he was about to try and stop a train, and it totally took Chiklis off his game!

35:01 Isn’t he immune to bullets? I’ve thought we tested this.

35:38 That was really creepy! Why is Minion being creepy?

35:51 Hey, what’s up? Yeah, the police usually call someone’s ex-boss when they commit suicide. Makes totally sense for me to be here.

36:36 Hang on, did he find those notes in this dead guy’s house? Did he just start rifling through his stuff and was like, “hey, he’s dead, this doesn’t belong to nobody now.” How is this lab not out of business with all the hugely unethical business practices I’ve seen so far?

Get it, misread you? On account of my mind reading abilities!

38:16 Oh shit this gets real!

38:52 I mean, who wouldn’t want this complete psychopath to have his dangerous telekinetic powers forever.

40:04 I’m going to carry you there on my back, to really get the shippers going!

40:49 Oh hey, I guess these people aren’t fighting anymore for no particular reason either.

41:14 Oh yeah, Tiberius gets makeouts, now let’s cut to Pills and OH SHIT I FORGOT WHAT WAS HAPPENING WHEN WE LAST SAW HER!

42:02 Did…Minion erase her memories?????

Verdict: Now they are finally getting somewhere! After so many times getting way too close to fire, the bad guys finally do something actually villainous. Of course, it was a big horrible gesture that will attract a lot of attention, but hey, at least it was finally something. The other plots were dumb though. Fights for no reason and an easily overcome issue, but at least Tiberius gets a lady friend. Hopefully she won’t suddenly disappear like Fred apparently did!

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