Friday, January 27, 2012

Rideback - Episode 6: "The Lightning-Fast Rideback"

Wait, there is more than one type of rideback? What good is one that isn’t fast? Isn’t that exactly what they are designed for? I mean, I don’t see these things at a construction site, even though that would totally be useful!

LAST TIME: Nothing happened. No serious, we saw some news reports, it rained, everyone was really morose for some reason, but nothing goddamn happened.

0:32 Oh dear! Terrorists are better because of ridebacks! I sure hope Al-Queda doesn’t discover ridebacks.

1:11 Did she drink a beer in under 3 seconds? How is she not drunk right now?

2:18 You know, the addition of arms to keep yourself balanced on a motorcycle is kinda completely pointless. Normal motorcycles can handle that angle without scratching up the pavement with a robot hand.

3:42 When did the ballerina pose for a photo op for this motorcycle magazine?

4:40 Is that a sun umbrella? A sunbrella?

5:04 I recognize that word from that thing I do!

5:37 Yeah…that’s not a valid excuse for why he’s not answering his phone. That shit happened years ago.

6:08 I am really enjoying the hairbrushing club. I’m not learning much though.

7:06 Seriously, go out and just light a bunch of smoke flares. Just do it.

7:53 Is that guy a black guy or a white guy? Seriously, it cannot be hard to keep him a single color.

8:52 Watermelon watermelon. Watermelon.

9:43 Don’t these two live with each other? Why are they acting super weird like they are meeting after many months absence?

10:39 I’m going to bring up your dancing ability for no reason whatsoever, just so the audience doesn’t forget that you can dance!

11:46 Why the hell is this guy hanging out with all these unsavory characters? Look how square their faces are!

12:24 Haha! The taco truck horn on ridebacks! That is hilarious!

12:44 Wait, the ballerina KNOWS this random guy we keep wasting time on? When the hell did they meet? Was I not paying attention?

13:49 Did that guy just die?! I’m pretty sure he just got hit with a bat held by a guy moving at 60 miles an hour.

OH! It’s her brother. Of course! How could I have forgotten that fact that was established five episodes ago.

15:30 Okay, so…only the press are allowed to drive along this road? How does that make any sense?

16:20 That guy has so many lines under his eyes, that he has lines across his nose! It’s like a unibrow, only, you know, underbrow.

16:52 You, you killed that guy once already? Is Jesus in this?

17:21 OH SHIT! White ridebacks! They are here and finally doing something!

18:22 They totally killed that guy! Everyone is dying!

18:49 It is a good thing gravity is optional in this universe.

20:15 That is the ultimate question! What the hell is she doing here? Also, if they think she’s a terrorist, why the hell didn’t they arrest her at her dorm room or something?

20:51 No one could possibly duck underneath a baton!

21:41 Helicopters always seem to have giant floodlights on them. Is that a standard feature?

22:03 WHAT? You can’t end the episode there! She is totally in trouble!

23:41 Um! That ending nonsense made even less sense than usual.

Verdict: So I finally figured who that one guy was, too bad it required him joining a biker gang for no reason to figure out. Also, the police state is stupid strong in this world, if some jackasses driving around breaking windows causes them to release the goddamn navy SEALs. Fascism sucks.

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