Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Danger Girl Prologue

Hey guys. Boobs. Am I right?

I’m taking a break from the big two to take a look at the other stuff. I’m not a huge fan of indie stuff, even though I should be, because while there is a lot of interesting non-hero stuff, the majority of the stuff that actually gets bought is boring licensed stuff, half-assed faux artistic stuff (looking at you, Lil’ Depressed Boy), and just straight-up cheesecake.

Danger Girl is of the latter, which is probably pretty obvious. I know little about this, except it’s the second property by the creator of Gen-13, which is seeing a bit of an comeback now that Wildstorm is officially in the DC universe now, and that this property itself is back on the shelves again. But hey, what do I need to know? Cute girl with a gun, hur hur.

Introductions: Skipping it! Although why did Bruce Campbell write one? What does that have to do with anything?

Page 1: Crocodiles! Huge crocodiles that be must a good 30 feet long if we are standing up high enough to not be endangered by these monsters.

Page 2, Panel 1: Oh ho! You see, he only has one eye.

Page 2, Panel 2: He actually calls his hired goons “goons?” And they totally question this. That’s pretty funny.

Page 2, Panel 5: And…it took us two pages before we get a rape threat. Great.

Page 4, Panel 2: How the hell did she do that? And what did those goons do to her anyway?

Page 4, Panel 7: Who are these guys? Why do they have guns?

Page 5, Panel 3: Yeah, that never happened to Roger Moore because he wore actual pants.

Page 6, Panel 3: So does this golden skull actually talk, or is this guy just a huge jerk?

Page 7, Panel 5: Hey! You can’t say a swear! You’re only allowed to allude to a swear, over and over again, until it gets old.

Page 8, Panel 2: Oh no! A Humvee full of whoever the hells!

Page 8, Panel 4: And now she’s falling off the cliff! Just like she was planning to do….

Verdict: Oh hey it’s over already. Sweet. Wait a minute, this book in like 250 pages long, and there’s only seven issues in here, which means….ug. Well, alright, a lot more coming, I guess. Although if there’s the same amount of boobs and awful jokes as were packed in these eight pages, it should be…interesting.

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