Saturday, May 12, 2012


Netflix Synopsis: This fast-paced animated film tells a story set far in the future, when the interplanetary Alliance staves off threats of war by establishing the Star Car 5000 race, thereby allowing potential enemies to act out their aggressions on the racecourse. The drivers become celebrities revered everywhere, but ruthlessness rules and the stakes grow ever higher. Determined to win, Team Earth seeks to outmaneuver their bitter rivals and keep the peace.

Because the Olympics has been very effective at staving off war in the real world. Here’s hoping this is just 90 minutes of pod racing.

0:10 Oh Christ Phase 4 again? Man…these guys are horrible at their jobs.

0:40 YEP! All pod racing, all the time. They weren’t even trying to make it look even slightly different.

1:27 You’re asking someone who intentionally calls himself Trance to pay attention? That is a fool’s errand, lady.

2:20 This beam immediately knows if you have contraband on board. Don’t ask how. Science beam.

2:46 Listen Linda, don’t start with that white zone crap again.

3:27 That was some great not-really-dialogue.

3:57 It’s Alf! What are you doing here? I bet he trades exclusively for cats.

4:59 Ah, the old fake a heart attack trick.

5:48 You can tell he’s evil because he has a Fu Manchu mustache.

6:37 Bad guy starts planting flower pots everywhere, draping a blanket over the dead body.

7:28 You wait until RIGHT NOW to figure out your plan to get through customs?

8:23 Hang on, this idiot carries around a goddamn gram of uranium around his neck at all times? How many tumors does he have?

8:59 You guys decided to blatantly copy the most racist part of Episode 1?

9:54 Is this planet really named Mekaneak? Really?

10:26 These aren’t soldiers, this is actually just his life-size Warhammer 40K army.

10:46 GUH!

11:44 It’s actually really easy! You push the button 2, the plus button, the button 2 again, and then equal. EASY!

12:32 You are right! Who the hell is this lady? What is she doing here? Why didn’t they ask these questions earlier?

13:42 I can’t think of any responsibilities we might have in reporting the illegal merchandise we discovered, I just hope this guy gets what’s coming to him.

14:34 Yeah…this announcer is no Greg Proops.

15:05 This creepy robot wears a goddamn flesh mask. FLESH MASK.

15:49 Hang on hang on hang on. Is the bad guy’s nose on his forehead? That is gross.

16:42 This is Team Earth, right? Like…representing the entire planet? Why is there only three of them and why aren’t they being adequately funded?

17:49 We think they don’t have sponsors because the person in charge of the team is mentally ill. That is the excuse we are actually stating outloud.

18:40 Oh, and watch out for Subulba, he’s really nasty.

20:33 No really. When do Tusken Raiders start shooting at them? Seriously, how the hell did they get away with this?

21:25 Maybe don’t put your valuable mining units near a racecourse? Like just shut them down for the ten minutes this race will be occurring.

23:24 Oh no whoever that is saw something!

24:23 Your necklace constantly saves you from dying in an explosion?

24:50 Wait, he pushed his car to its breaking point to try and get first in the quarterfinals? He was already guaranteed a place in the semis!

26:25 Hey, what’s up, I’m some guy you’ve never seen before! How you doing? Check out these prostitutes I met.

27:11 What’s wrong with her head?!

28:04 Nice bling, buddy.

28:34 Oh look, a strip club. Like, not even trying to be anything else. Charming.

29:14 I’m going to assume that’s the same lady from before, even though we’ve never seen her hair before and she looks like any other ugly person we’ve seen so far.

29:53 I already told Jabba…

30:24 What? You had sponsors and you refused them because you didn’t want to be a corporate mouthpiece? You are in the racing game, idiot.

31:45 So…she’s in love with this dummy that she spends pretty much every day with, and she tries to win him over when he already has a piece of arm candy?

32:23 Then they wheel out a giant cucumber and these raptor aliens just stare at it.

33:17 He got that at Starbucks. They have them everywhere.

34:03 Oh, okay, so all the aliens are mad because humans started a war of galactic conquest 500 years ago. Of course, I have seen exactly three humans so far, so I guess that didn’t work, and everyone should get over it.

35:53 Um…enjoy these pretty lights, I guess.

36:39 Wait, how did they hear that broadcast? What’s going on?

37:00 Oh…I guess they are being chased for some reason?

37:58 Haha, those people died.

38:49 Why is their spaceship making creaking noises like a Spanish galleon?

39:32 So…in order to prevent this evil ancient person from doing something very bad, they have to win a race? That’s convenient.

40:58 From who? Who controls the crazy robot planet? I’m not sure who the real enemy is here.

41:47 Tragedy struck today when the Earth team, stupidly refusing to accept any money for their racing team, crashes in the main courtyard and killed seven bystanders.

42:11 Was that Dr. Claw?

43:12 Just start killing our own people until they tell us whatever it is we want to hear. That works pretty well, right?

44:10 Gross…this lady is gross.

45:35 That was the dickiest thing I’ve ever seen anyone say! Who says that to a person?

46:47 Everybody listen carefully, this is the backstory, wouldn’t want to miss it.

47:53 Come on, guy! The only reason anyone does anything right is so they can lie when it’s convenient for them, everyone knows this.

48:33 It’s true. This guy is a jerk.

49:32 So…how do you get to your seat when you buy a ticket to one of those floating grandstands? Is there a teleportation pad? Shuttle? What if you have to pee? So many questions.

50:39 Oh, he has one of those spinny wheel blades, like in Ben Hur.

51:30 I always wonder why the racers always have a full five seconds to gasp before hitting a rock and exploding, yet apparently not enough time to actually move out of the way.

52:40 And boom goes the dynamite.

53:58 Did they assume we haven’t been watching the movie? We know this already.

55:12 Wait…how? How can the cuffs be designed to withstand the energy of an unknown alien? They should have no idea how much power she has.

56:06 I immediately assume you are personally responsible!

57:25 Harry Potter…I mean.

57:48 Did…did the bad guy just break off his fingers and feed it to that dinosaur alien? That is fucked up!

58:42 ANYTHING! Do anything, you dick! Half the team has been captured, you need to help!

59:40 Yeah…it’s a worthless hunk of energy. You can’t blame it for your problems.

1:01:03 Of course there was a giant fan above that hole. There’s always giant fans.

1:01:33 Again? How many giant fans can there possibly be?

1:02:18 What happened to his hand? Oh right, how did I forget already? Oh right, because it was awful and it shouldn’t have happened.

1:03:21 So…he’s dead. Wow. This prison mine sucks.

1:04:52 Hey! There’s that guy I know! No reason to worry about those guard robots that are everywhere….oh.

1:05:37 Oh screw you, bad guy. You’re not allowed to steal Ash’s line in this. He earned that line.

1:06:44 Ah, it’s a lollipop that unlocked handcuffs. Novel.

1:07:22 Oh, I remember this video game sequence. I hate it because it’s all memory and I have to replay it at least five times.

1:08:12 Hey….should we build the tram track above these giant grinding gears? I mean…I can’t see the harm. Also, what are these gears even for?

1:09:14 And next on our tour, a room in which some random stuff is happening.

1:10:02 Great kid, don’t get cocky.

1:11:05 Is it a good plan? Does it make any sense?

1:11:47 Course: “Aquadeath”

1:12:13 UG! Holomail. Really?

1:12:59 Wait…nobody knew this guy was a megalomaniac intent on galactic domination? He had a symbol and slogan commissioned! I’m pretty sure he monogrammed some towels!

1:14:45 Winners don’t do drugs!

1:15:37 Save it for the race! Pull a risky maneuver that will possibly kill him. That’s how sportsmanship works.

1:16:28 Were they dating? Why is he so upset to see her go?

1:16:59 Stop the fugitive! Fall in love with her and make promises you don’t intend to keep!

1:17:40 Did he just say bitch? This really is rated PG-13.

1:18:30 So, it seems the only way to get eliminated from this race is to explode and die. Why would anyone ever try to pass anyone?

1:19:59 Is there a goddamn race going on in this movie? Why the hell would there be a race?

1:21:37 Who is this guy? How does anyone take him seriously? He looks like a melted green Doggie Daddy.

1:23:04 Things are not going well for Lando and crew.

1:23:54 Is that the Statue of Liberty? What is that doing here?

1:24:55 Wait…so he killed a guy, that guy is dead exclusively because of what that racer did, and all he gets is a foul?

1:26:00 Meanwhile, in the plotline that you definitely don’t care about…

1:27:10 Well, that was easy. Oh, she’s still alive.

1:27:41 How did she get even uglier?! That seems impossible.

1:28:40 Maybe they all stopped racing and instead started playing Twister? Or…maybe they are still racing. Probably that.

1:29:40 Who was that lady, and why was she so cool hanging out with a bunch of robots?

1:31:03 I’m pretty sure it’s not related to that horrible explosion we reported earlier. Seriously, how many veterans can this race have? Pretty much every racer so far has died in a crash.

1:31:51 Well…that was an interesting explosion. I don’t know why it happened.

1:32:40 They just started humping! Right there on the track!

1:33:22 Oh the humanity!

1:33:46 Everyone stop cheering! A blimp is going to crash into the city! Hey! Blimp!

1:34:42 Oh hey look, someone that is obviously human. And of course it’s a trophy girl.

1:35:21 Well that came out of nowhere. Why is he suddenly in love with her?

1:35:59 Where did that mangled claw come from? And why did it have his ring on it?

1:37:41 Joji De Jesus, you are my new favorite Production Bookkeeper. I won’t even question why you are listed right after the voice actors.

Verdict: Man that didn’t make any sense. They wanted way too much; an evil overlord, some ancient evils, a stupid race, a pointless romance plot, and everything just looked awful. Muddy and ugly and pointless. Also, so much death. Seriously, everyone who didn’t win the race DIED!

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