Saturday, May 19, 2012

Bands on the Run

The Rubber Band movie? Well…I guess there had to be one….

Netflix Syposis: Bursting with perky pop music and wacky rubber band-based characters, this animated feature inspired by a nationwide craze for rubber band bracelets tells the story of five highly elastic characters who fall off a truck and into their own adventure.

Oh right, that rubber band bracelet craze that ended a good five years before this movie was released, yeah, I remember that. Also, exactly how many adventures start with someone falling off a truck? We need to stop going back to that well.

0:04 Elastic Productions, get it?!

1:02 Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah

1:18 Stop giving away the entire plot!

1:58 “Your best source for bunny jokes.”

2:46 You know, maybe it’s not the best evolutionary trait to be the same color as asphalt.

3:35 Also, rubber bands that have a rigid shape for some reason, which makes absolutely no sense.

4:54 So…these guys talk exclusively in puns then? That’s….great.

5:54 Hurray, they are already dead, because vultures! At least…I hope…

7:03 WE GET IT! We get all of it!

7:51 What the hell are the odds, it’s the truck from earlier.

8:24 Meanwhile…in a montage…

9:09 Or…you know, regular colored bracelets, that don’t have any shapes whatsoever.

10:02 That’s a good rule. Don’t pick up stuff off the floor of service stations. The more you know.

11:18 And he didn’t think of anything, the end.

12:02 The light bulb rubber band is hitting on an actual light bulb.

12:45 This bad guy is just a regular rubber band. A normal ordinary rubber band.

13:40 So…this normal rubber band just proved himself vastly superior than all our protagonists. Why aren’t we following him?

15:18 The past five minutes have just been them being moved from one garbage receptacle to another.

16:32 Don’t worry, I’m sure the aliens we met at the gas station will rescue us.

17:33 Haha! Alcoholism jokes!

18:09 Why didn’t that rubber band have a face? What was his problem?

18:34 Why did they suddenly appear in a package of rubber bands? Literally out of nowhere. Also, I find it really unlikely that they take rubber bands from the dump and resell them.

19:30 Also, it’s a picture, so there was no way you could have heard anything.

20:50 Man, I hate musicians who think they can act. Also, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?

22:04 Is there a reason why he wrapped six rubber band around a single newspaper? Also, what are the odds that they got permission to use this copy of U.S.A. Today?

23:02 “Acoustic tech to track Chilika dolphins”

23:49 Check out all these shitty rubber bands on my arm. You are just one of dozens! I don’t care about you at all!

24:48 Go on boy, go and fetch the paper from yesterday! I’m really interested in what happened two days ago!

25:55 And…the flower rubber band just went ahead and decided to go insane.

26:31 And that’s why you should all join my cult! I mean!

28:06 I figure these dirty, wet rubber bands are perfect for my rubber band gun. I don’t know why I wouldn’t use some that came with the kit.

29:33 The amount of pathos they poured into the trials of an ordinary rubber band is way too much.

30:30 You could totally live without the sun! You are a rubber band!

31:03 He was pooped out! Haha!

31:30 Oh shit! That baby is so high right now!

32:19 Was that grocery cart moving by itself?

33:39 Is that a washer/dryer?

34:07 This is the crappiest Frogger clone that I’ve ever seen.


35:39 Did they fall in love? Would someone fall in love?

36:08 They’re up there! I saw them! Jump up there!

37:04 I learned all this while being on her arm for like, five minutes.

38:04 HAHAHAHA Nobody has a circle rubber band! No one!

38:30 Hat slap! That’s what you get for acting like a child!

39:27 What? Who takes their crappy trend rubber bands on a trip to France?

40:02 You are one ‘n’ away from being the worst person, Charlie Mason.

40:57 So…the daisy rubber band was voiced by someone named Bandit. That’s the only credit. Just…Bandit.

42:48 Wait, they got Jet Li to do the translation?! Oh…Jet Lee, never mind.

Verdict: So…apparently Zanybandz are an actual thing, or at least they were, two years ago. Now, I don’t understand why you would want to collect an object in which the mere act of using it as intended would negate the aesthetic purpose of it; rubber bands on your wrist look exactly like rubber bands on your wrist, no matter what their original shape.

But enough, this show was dumb. A cash-in of a cash-in, and my god the puns. So many goddamn puns. I don’t think one of our “heroes” spoke a single line that didn’t reference the thing they were shaped as. We get it! You are shaped like a television! Shut up already!

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