Monday, October 24, 2011

FlashForward - Episode 20: "The Negotiation"

LAST TIME: Baltar ate a hamburger.

Oh, also, Charlie ran away with the ring, and the peanut gallery wasted time tracking down a killer, which, on retrospect, seems pretty far outside their jurisdiction. And Nurse Guy and Babysitter made out, spurred on by the Babysitter seeing something that she couldn’t possibly have known about. So, real important episode.

0:35 Wait, the FBI Director was asked by the Vice President to takedown Jericho, and the only person he sends is Beardo?

1:04 Hey! I remember that from the beginning of every single episode.

1:56 So, they know the building will come under attack by, at most, two guys, right?

2:58 It took them ten seconds to figure out that the footage of Charlie walking was from a different angle?

3:30 Hey, you seem to be repeating your name over and over again as if you don’t know what is it. Are you on the run from the law?

5:01 No, I’m just wondering why you aren’t at work or something. Aren’t you a lawyer?

5:54 Isn’t he supposed to be dead? Wouldn’t he immediately jump on the opportunity to get married? Or did we just forget about almost being killed three weeks ago?

6:43 He immediately latches onto the fact that he called his wife by the wrong name, because he’s still super insecure about that.

8:09 Maybe we should get a doctor or something because this guy is obviously insane. I mean a real doctor.

8:42 Yeah, like two weeks ago. What have you been doing?

9:45 So, CIA guy is perfectly fine with FBI guy getting murdered? What a dick.

10:06 We still doing credits? The shows like a quarter of the way done!

10:46 Ah…(mumble) brand cola. You can’t tell what if it’s good or not!

11:59 Did you guys forget about Afghanistan? Well, here we are.

12:34 Ah, the old interrogation tent!

13:07 Wait, they banged?! Why did they sleep together?

14:17 Hi, it’s me! The bad guy! You probably haven’t seen me before! Well this is what I look like!

15:00 The middle eastern woman was also at the mental institute? That’s weird, she doesn’t seem crazy at all.

16:09 Oh good, a very simple sketch of the bad guy that can’t possible be used to tell who it is. Helpful.

16:50 What hotel room comes with plastic cups?

17:46 The stick is the thing that keeps the carrot from in front of your face. This metaphor doesn’t make any sense, and everyone uses it wrong.

19:19 I wonder what Baltar’s listening to on his Walkman.

20:03 “Lloyd, Lloyd, Lloooyd.”

20:43 It seems like Baltar’s only role is to act crazy and get everyone to screw up their eyebrows.

22:09 I appreciate that the bad guy seems to exclusively hire not-quite-attractive people.

23:47 Now he is blowing bubbles into his Coke! Oh crazy Baltar, you are the best character.

24:32 Ah jeez, is he still hung up on this? The guy says a lot of crazy bullshit, just drop it.

25:16 They have been dragging her through the desert for hours now? Wouldn’t it have been easier to put her on a stretcher or something?

26:59 So, what are they doing at Joshua Base? It seems like a big deal, enough to ruin the president, but so far all they’ve done is pick on a single 25-year-old girl.

28:29 Haha! This guy on the radio was apparently having wings in his flash forward! I wish I was having wings in my flash forward. (ok, it was probably an ad.)

29:45 They gave Baltar a gun?!

30:02 Oh no, it was FBI guy pretending to Baltar. Good job, team. That was a good twist.

31:28 Wait, what? There are a ton of guys just sitting in the center of a stark white room working on computers. Wouldn’t they get an office or something like that?

Ah, he pushed the button on his keyboard that made his laptop blow up.

33:53 My source is reliable, and also standing right next to me. This one. She’s a mole.

I like how there are a bunch of people milling around in the parking lot during this tense conversation. “Hey guys! You going to the pub? Well, see you tomorrow!”

36:11 Did…did Dmitri really knock her up? Because they keep implying that they totally did it.

37:04 Give a gift certificate to a motel?! What a weird thing to put on your billboard.

39:08 Hey, Beardo made it to the stinking hovel he remembers from his flash forward, guys.

39:42 It’s really hard to look threatening when you’re wearing that hat.

Verdict: So…are they going to tell the boss that FBI Lesbian is a mole? Isn’t she is huge trouble? Also, Baltar’s act is getting really dull, and Beardo’s storyline seems pretty over to me. Oh also, did they really catch the Big Bad? That’s pretty big news, right?

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