Friday, October 21, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 7: "The Legendary Hero Emerges?!"

Why so shocked, title? You didn’t think a hero would show up? Don’t be so incredulous, guy.

LAST TIME: Lots of tits. Oh, and apparently there’s some prophecy on this island that suggests that the main character might die, but I really don’t see that happening. And the robot was shot. And people are drunk. Okay, I guess a lot of other stuff did happen.

0:16 Oh crap the little jerk is the hero! Apparently that is something that you can do for a living?

1:11 I too am troubled by disorganized days, song lyrics. I mean, I have no idea what hour will come next. Ten p.m.? Eleven a.m.? When is lunch, exactly?

1:55 Oh god blood! Why does that android have blood?

2:33 Um! She’s been shot! Maybe not talk about your relationship problems?

3:03 Oh okay she has a door in her pocket. So she can get help?

4:16 Let’s talk about this nonsense as loudly as fucking possible so that people can hear us and feel bad!

What? He can’t swim? Is that something you need to be able to do to be a hero?

5:03 Hey! Turn on the damn lights!

5:53 Oh man you made that character we two minutes ago cry! How can you be so rude?

6:22 How dare you not be evil! You gotta be evil so that so little jerk can have some self-esteem!

7:03 “I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a legend.”

7:17 Hang on, the lake is actually the ocean? How did the water get there? Water from the ocean can’t move inland….

8:09 Why did that weirdo just flash the lake? Who is this guy? This show was almost not insane for ten minutes.

8:40 How did they not see her there before?

9:04 This is totally skeezing me out. Don’t do that.


10:28 Sea cucumber’s like, yeah, whatever, I don’t give a damn.

10:42 Suddenly nighttime, everyone else is suddenly there, no idea what is going on.

11:15 Everyone keeps asking and she still won’t tell everyone why she’s naked.

11:42 Oh yeah! Dance off time!

12:36 The noise? So…when does he bring in the funk? Also, when the hell is he going to die?

13:19 Still drowning! It’s been like four hours, but still drowning! Not dead yet!

13:48 Sure friend, you can just learn to swim in the next two minutes while you slowly fall to the bottom of the lake.

14:22 That was gross. Please don’t show us this guy anymore.

15:25 Wait? The sword just turned into Leela’s wrist computer? Why couldn’t it stay a sword? How is it suddenly a tech thing?

16:12 How did he get his soul to shout? You can do that?

17:13 And suddenly Christian imagery for no damn reason. Where the hell was he hiding that cross?

17:47 This guy works for the government? Well that explains it!

18:20 Oh right, rampaging sea cucumber.

19:33 Wait, who was that, and why was she half naked? Please tell me it wasn’t the sister…

20:20 Um…you are fooling exactly no one. You talk in the same voice, and you are the only dude who is five feet tall.

21:06 Wait what? The plan was to get him to marry a woman of an established family? What kind of plan is that?

21:30 You…understand that he never asked you to marry him, right?

Verdict: That went from even paced and reasonable to completely batship in like two seconds flat. I was actually engaged until it flipped the damn switch and introduce that fucking asshole. I hate that man and I hate everyone who thought of that man.

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