Monday, October 10, 2011

FlashForward - Episode 18: "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"

So, you’re referencing a song that references a concept in a book, even though the song has nothing to do with the book and seems to muddle the concept of the yellow brick road in the first place. Therefore, I’m going to assume that the episode itself really misses the reference, and everything can confused and awful.

LAST TIME: Dmitri is safe! And D. Gibbons is dead! But not before being super cryptic and then dying from a shot to the head from the single character whose importance since the very beginning was shockingly unclear. Why was the FBI tracking the Terrorist Lady in the first place is she was actually a member of this super secret organization that they didn’t even know about yet? And why the hell would she be in a moving car during the blackout that should knew was going to happen? Anyway! Now Baltar is suddenly in the cast, so that’ll make things more exciting.

1:07 Hey! Those were all the plot points that I have been bugging me! That’s pretty exciting!

1:28 Wait, she used to be a lawyer? How old is FBI Lesbian, because she doesn’t look a day over 28?

2:19 Woo! Lady party!

2:51 “I’m a headhunter.” I wander the jungle in my most racist garb and scare off white people.

3:45 Oh hey, older black guy is still on the force. That’s nice.

4:27 Or…maybe he carries around these crazy maps because he’s crazy.

5:07 Ha! I haven’t really noticed before, they really do call whoever they’re up against “The Bad Guys.”

5:29 I love that Baltar’s character has absolutely no volume control.

“Don’t buy coffee today from the man who looks like Mr. Clean!”

6:53 HAHA! FBI Lesbian just got slammed by a doctor for being too thin! Eat some cake!

7:28 Oh god. It takes some talent to flip a car like that.

8:00 Ah man, that dumb Mr. Clean line paid off way too quickly.

Why are we at a pet store again?

9:31 You’re also really bad at talking in code.

10:29 Oh of course they did! Of course they found a soil sample that can be tracked to one specific location!

This guy has a weird haircut.

11:50 Mainly because you are like the only white guy here.

12:15 Yeah that’s right, I have this flash presentation ready to go at any time in case I need to mention this weird thing I like.

13:18 So…is she getting paid to be a traitor, or is she just doing it for funzies?

14:22 Hey, that’s a cool EMP device, I like the part where you leave behind a large obvious plastic box, so it can be easily traced back to you.

15:13 Apparently Baltar has been stalking her his entire life and is randomly showing up in pictures from her past. So…I kinda hope he’s a ghost.

16:01 WHAT?! FBI Guy, who is always at work, is here at work?

16:46 I’m glad they made a point about making copies just so that she would have to track down all copies.

17:35 She’s still working with the FBI? Doesn’t she have a job?

19:01 Wait, it’s really easy to find people in Baghdad?

19:46 We won’t be taking the road, on account of those roadblocks I’ve mentioned.

He’s being super beardy, you should get in here.

21:18 Hang on, he was able to figure out the device in like 18 hours? From pictures on his phone? Why wouldn’t he just take the blueprints home?

22:25 Poor guy went straight through the glass table. That’s just unlucky.


24:38 Oh good they were paying her. Now I gotta wonder how she hid that money from the IRS, considering she works for the government.

25:49 Lady! You are a doctor! Go to the hospital and doctor! Stop playing FBI!

26:20 I’m just going to leave you alone so something can jump out at you, alright?

27:22 Have you…not told him that you’re having a baby? Oh…she hasn’t. You’d think that might come up.

28:35 Well, dummie, you see at most two ladies every day, so…who do you think?

29:13 Or maybe he was referring to some stupid chess piece that you had in your office. That makes more sense.

29:44 Wait what? D. Gibbons gave the FBI guy a ring? Why?

30:46 Hey road guys! What’s up with being on the road?


31:53 Oh good, more guys with guns. Because we can surely trust this group.

32:26 Oh no! It’s him from the future! (Or, maybe just another guy with a beard, who knows.)

33:30 Well, obviously, this hospital was a training facility for the blackout group. Please get with the program.

34:25 Okay, maybe, if you’re going to show a lady convulsing, make sure that she doesn’t have the largest breasts ever. It just seems inappropriate.

36:16 Wait, seriously, the Doctor Lady is suddenly extremely important, because she went to the wrong college twenty years ago?

37:38 Oh, oh right. The ring is some kind of magic technology whatever.

38:10 You, you know that guy is you, right Charlie? You want to…mention it to anyone?

38:54 OH NO the CIA guy is also a bad guy!

39:44 Hang on hang on, is she a triple agent?

39:56 WAIT WHAT? Apparently it’s more common for lesbians to turn traitor? Where the hell did you get your facts?

41:22 FISH!

42:15 Oh hey, one more thing, go ahead and kill this guy. I’ll mention that second even though it’s a bigger deal because then we’ll have something to lead out on.

Verdict: Oh no! She’s not really a bad guy! Now she has a tough moral choice to make! Also, Baltar has apparently been insane and following Doctor Lady for over twenty years and despite his extremely poor social skills, he hadn’t revealed himself to her before now. (Yeah yeah, he knows the future, but the future is stupid if so.) Oh, and they have a ring for some reason, so that’s nice.

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