Friday, September 16, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 3: "A Slightly Intimidating Senior"

She walks up on you with her cane and her dentures and tells you a story about World War II and…oh, you probably mean the other kind of senior. (Easy joke.)

LAST TIME: Things calm down a bit and apparently our MC is being watched by a robot, no clue why, and then he goes into the woods so he can talk to someone. This process, for some reason, requires him to stare at panties. Oh, and there was a head in a jar.

0:26 That was an exceptionally threatening scene of friendly childhood playing.

0:47 LADY! You are not even mourning the death of your son? What a bitch.

1:15 You know, they keep showing that mana gauge, but I haven’t seen a single motorcycle yet. I really hope it wasn’t just a cool thing they threw in for no reason.

2:34 “Does it mean exhaustless dreams are infinity?” No? Yes? I have no idea! That’s not a logical question.

2:52 They have magic books that allow them to talk via telepathy instead of cell phones so that the animators wouldn’t have to bother with lip sync.

3:48 Visible dawn? Visible don? I’m confused.

4:22 Well anyway, here’s my penis, have a nice day!

4:46 “No pooping in the bath tub!” They had to put up a sign!

5:01 Also they are talking about penis sizes. I’m skipping over that.

5:30 People levitate to class! This place is kinda awesome.

What huh? Why would that cause the academy to be destroyed? Is that some kind of prophecy?

6:58 A tail. It’s called a tail.

7:12 Oh right, the pill gun. I assumed you would just forget it existed so I could forgot how stupid that thing is.

7:50 It is not a crime to touch an android’s butt. Good to know?

8:34 This lady is just going to continue to talk forever, isn’t she?

8:50 WHAT? Why would you pull out a grenade launcher?! What possibly led you to do that?

9:26 Panty shot. Take a drink.

9:54 The android knows that’s where her off-switch is, right? Why is she letting him touch her there?

10:35 Why were you guys hiding in the beds? There were pillars nearby to hide behind.

11:22 And everyone has magical powers for some reason.

11:53 They corrected his pronunciation of manga in this show from Japan.

12:29 Are all these bad guys dead? There is a lot of blood.

13:17 And the main character is suddenly Darth Vader.

14:00 So…you want to hit him just once, even if it kills you? That’s a dumb want.

14:39 Why would she throw down a smoke bomb and run away? He was just standing there. Punch him or something, make some coherent sense.

15:05 Is she…is she masturbating?!

15:20 And the robot assumes she was raped, but is just cool with it.

15:34 What hang on. Is he being penalized for something that didn’t happen? I mean, sure, it’s a HUGE thing he was accused of, but still, search for evidence or something first.

16:55 OH NEVERMIND! He’s going to trial for something that he definitely isn’t trying to do, taking over the whole school. Sure, just skip over the rape accusation.

And now the entire school is trying to kill him. Things escalated kinda fast.

18:04 Um, of course they are coming at you as a group. How else would they try to kill you?

18:48 It’s true! He was defending himself and broke an asshole’s ankle. Killing him for that hardly seems fair.

19:20 Wait, you can’t change his personality, but you can change how he thinks? How does that work?

19:44 There is some guy in the back just yelling exactly what I’m thinking. “Oh what the hell is going on! What is this?”

20:20 And now everyone is friends with each other and they have to fight everyone else. What?

20:45 And they defused the whole battle by making it rain rice. OKAY FINE!

21:22 You know, black magic. That’s why we’re showing you a skeleton. Skeletons are spooky.

21:47 And…the villain is now being groped against her will by a dozen girls.

23:11 So, for some reason, the minor character who has done nothing yet gets to hang out in the credits. I hope that never gets explained!

Verdict: That got stupid really quickly! It’s almost like they came up with a really dumb climax scene and said to hell with it and threw it in. Also the villain’s plot made no sense. If you just wanted him to feel you up…maybe ask? Why go through such obfuscating methods to get there?

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