Friday, September 30, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 5: "Underground Labyrinth"

Um. Okay. I haven’t really heard of a labyrinth that wasn’t underground. Well, except for the titular Labyrinth, with David Bowie. Okay never mind. I guess this is a sign that you’d kinda want to see. Then you know to turn around!

LAST TIME: After some bullshit, our main character gets put into detention, for some reason, and after hijinks, he finds a map, that is apparently a really big fucking deal. After some nonsense, involving some character we have never seen before inviting him to her Magic Box, he now has to follow the treasure map because…

Ah! Who are those second group of, oh never mind, shadows. I know what those are.

0:38 What wait? There are still bullet casings here? Isn’t this mass grave at least 20 years old?

2:56 Why are we suddenly at the men’s dorm? There are only two male characters, and we know where they both are.

Yes, a talking cyclone certainly is “interesting.” Let’s try to slice it with a knife.

4:22 Is she dead? I’m kinda want her to be dead!

4:53 Hang on wait, all he did was shoot the tornado with a gun, and then it turned into bats. Was that…supposed to make sense?

6:02 How dare you, an undead head-in-a-jar, always responding to me unemotionally.

6:22 Why the hell are you naked? Put on some goddamn clothes!

7:01 Wait, if we wanted all these people to already be at the graveyard as well, why didn’t they tag along in the first place? Why the histrionics?

7:32 Equipage isn’t a common word! (Damn you spellcheck)

8:02 Where the hell did he get that gun? And why does he have so much ammo? I thought it was a trick gun?

8:37 Yeah, screw you guys anyway! A soulless piece of armor like me can get a good job at the Citgo!

How is that not an iPhone? Because it’s blue?

9:34 What the fuck? That wasn’t that character’s voice actor. Also, that was a terrible noise.

10:26 OH COME ON! There was literally a shot of a character lustfully staring at a dude’s bare chest.

10:57 Also, I wear my sword on my head, because why the hell wouldn’t I?

11:30 Yep, full on vagina shot. With noise bleed and everything.

12:04 Naked sword fight! And there’s a wolf here, of course!

12:28 Wolf punch!

Where the hell are you going? You are naked! You have no clothes!

14:10 Oh shit! Using magic shit has unexpected consequences!

14:34 What the hell is the witch hat lady doing here?

“Goga goga.”

15:35 Oh right. There’s something about a Demon King. I kinda forgot. Don’t know how that happened.

16:14 Ho what hey! Head-in-a-jar used to be the previous Demon King? That’s a plot point!

16:59 Dragon shows up and immediately starts demanding to see everyone’s credentials.

17:23 “Once he says you’re the Demon King, we cannot doubt that you’re the Demon King.”

18:30 And…some flashbacks that contradict what we’ve been told. Fantastic.

19:08 I keep rollerskates in my satchel for just such an occasion!

Wait hang on, is this lady Mister Fantastic? Why does her arms move like that?

20:10 Dragon has apparently just been chilling for the past four minutes.

20:33 Then again, I have been living inside a stone for those one hundred years, so I haven’t really met anyone.

The dragon’s name is Peter Howsen? That is kinda awesome!

So apparently being a Demon King is a huge aphrodisiac. (I should really look into it.)

“My motto is to enjoy the miracle of meetings.”

Verdict: UM! That made even less sense than the first episode. What’s with the dragon? Why was everything a secret plot? How the hell did everyone show up in the end? The hell does this have to do with anything?

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