Friday, March 23, 2012

Rosario+Vampire - Episode 2: "Succubus and a Vampire"

That’s the supernatural romance version of between a rock and a hard place. Of course, in supernatural romance, the only conflict would be which one you should completely submit to, having options is so hard!

LAST TIME: Some nerd sucks at school, and through some dumb methods, gets transferred to a school that teaches monsters. Despite the fact that the school is only for monsters, everyone pretends to be human at all times, which makes no sense. He meets a cute and obnoxious vampire girl, and falls so desperately in love with her that he decides to stay, after some kind of dumb fight or whatever.

0:44 I didn’t even notice that I had a boar’s head! It’s weird how that just kinda…slipped my mind.

1:59 “Cross the vast infinity of time-space?” Dramatic much, opening song? You just have a crush on this guy, no need to go overboard.

2:36 Wait, that was last episode’s closing theme! What is the real ending theme then?

3:09 This woman is obviously excited to see me, a random jerk!

3:39 Stop yelling at me, dumb guys!

4:35 Ain’t that always the way: you think you’re having a moment with your special lady, but she really wants to drain you of your blood. Women, am I right, fellow sexists?

5:26 Yes…she does have breasts. Thanks. Couldn’t have figure that out on my own.

6:40 HAHA! He can’t see your flashbacks, you dummy.

6:59 Her breasts cramp up?! That is the most blatantly dumb attempt at flirtatious banter I’ve ever heard. You are failing at your job, obvious succubus.

7:28 Listen to the creepy pling-plong music, main character. She’s doing something super creepy.

8:46 Well, at least this creates some dumb conflict, even though it seems like a ridiculous abuse of monster powers that is probably against school rules.

9:06 REALLY? The catlady wants to talk about cats? You don’t say, exposition bat.

10:12 Don’t mind me, just being sexy.

10:27 Thanks, gentlemen. I didn’t understand that this drawing of a lady is attractive, but good thing you’re here.

10:51 UGGG! She is referring to her tits as booby traps.

11:33 I agree, vampire. This is stupid.

12:24 How does she know that?! Will literally everyone in the school figure out he’s human by episode 4?

12:49 Vampire, she literally said, “Love Charm” before he started acting like a jerk to you. Maybe he’s not in control of his own mind? Don’t get so uptight about it.

13:32 La de da da I’m celebrating!

13:51 Stop with the breast puns!

14:19 Oh okay, apparently her vampire self is an entirely different person who talks to her and gives her advice. That makes sense.

15:06 This guy just keeps taking monster virginities.

15:53 Well yeah, try to play hard to get, lady. Can’t be too aggressive.

16:55 This school seems exceptionally dangerous, with the students constantly at each other‘s throats. Maybe a monster school isn’t the best idea.

17:38 Are you seriously questioning whether she’s a vampire or not? I thought it was kind of a all-or-nothing situation.

18:20 Man, I wish I was naïve enough to want to die for someone pretty that I’ve known for, what, four days? Seems pretty blissful.

19:00 OHHHHH, S Class Monster! There are classes of monsters, apparently.

19:20 The main character cannot believe this random destiny bullshit.

20:11 Listen exposition bat, that kind of snaky dumbness is my job.

20:51 I mean, she only tried to drain my life essence and kill me, but I’m an excellent judge of character, so don’t kill her.

21:55 This guy is an idiot! If this is how he reacts to every cute girl, after meeting both a vampire and a succubus who want to kill him, then he doesn’t deserve to live.

22:50 Oh, and I guess love triangle. These are never dumb.

23:20 Oh never mind, the new ending theme seems to think it was watching an action show after all. Could have fooled me.

24:27 Her shirt just exploded for no reason.

24:39 Oh Christ, each episode is going to end with a panty shot. Might as well just have a screen blinking “masturbate now!”

Verdict: I'm glad they found a reasonable conflict, because I wasn't sure where they were going with this. Sure, it's dumb, but it's a reason why we're here, at least. Well, okay, we're here because I like making fun of dumb things, but at least there's a reason for perverts who expect some mild conflict to be here.

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