Friday, March 30, 2012

Rosario + Vampire - Episode 3: "Witchling and a Vampire"

A witchling is like a witch, only tinier and for some reason sexier. Everything is sexier in anime.

LAST TIME: A succubus decides that some random jackass is his perfect mate, and this conflicts with a vampire who has already decided to fall in love with him. So, they decide to kill each other. That’s how monsters handle things. Then they…don’t kill each other. Whatever, it’s dumb, moving on.

0:14 That was a neat Funanimation theme! I enjoyed that.

0:25 Mid-Terms already? Oh, never mind, apparently they happen like two weeks into the school year.

0:58 She is also walking with a completely uncharacteristic confidence for no reason.

1:33 We are on fire and also badly animated!

2:25 Haha, it is hilarious when he has a runny nose that I couldn’t possibly see from where I’m sitting.

3:25 Lady crush! And for some reason she has a wand and a witch hat? The hell?

3:46 So these guys are going to beat her up because she has good grades?

4:02 Wait, that ugly asshole is the class president? Ugly people are never in positions of power.

4:49 So witch is a race? Not just people who happen to do magic?

5:35 Witch just leapt across the table and started groping the vampire.

6:05 Go to the nurse’s office! You are going to pass out from that much blood loss.

6:20 Yeah…this is awful. She is just…latched right on there.

6:40 I’m kinda confused on why you left, actually.

6:56 STOP THAT! Stop groping her!

7:35 Are they legitimately surprised that she is a witch? She’s wearing a witch’s hat! She has been called a witch like a dozen times.

8:02 Oh fuck fourth wall!

8:31 Oh wait you’re being sexy! I should probably be afraid because you are a literal monster.

9:13 Titty pie! HAHAHAHA! That is awful.

9:46 And…this is why we have sexual harassment laws.

11:01 This witch is a sociopath.

11:36 Maybe leave the room? Maybe not just sit there and let all these jerks make fun of you?

12:12 Oops, didn’t see you there.

13:06 Wait what? You’re pulling the ‘you understand being different’ on the single human at the school? I’m pretty sure there are billions of other humans. And I haven’t see two of a single monster yet. Everyone at this school is different!

13:42 Did Japan use to have witch hunts?

14:05 Oh succubus, always trying to bring the conversation back to you.

14:30 Oh hey, all of the student council are lizardmen. At least they hang out together, I guess.

15:14 How did they not notice that their skirts were suddenly pulled down?

15:54 Yeah, plastic tends not to be tasty. That wasn’t a good joke.

16:27 Is there a camera in their mouths? Why do you keep seeing their teeth around the frame?

16:49 Is there any reason why the lizard men just…let her walk through them?

18:09 Oh fuck you way too underage panty shot!

18:33 I suddenly love these lizard men! They hate melodrama as much as I do.

19:16 Oh right, that huge gash in my back, completely forgot about it.

19:35 AND she turns into a vampire again. Is this going to happen every goddamn episode?

20:09 Wait, getting your hair dyed is against school rules? What? YOUR hair changed colors when you changed into your monster form.

21:59 Here is that scene in flashback. For some reason we couldn’t show this scene in regular time, even though we skipped two days for no reason.

22:35 EW! That is gross! And she doesn’t know how sex works at all, being…um…12. I’ll shut up now.

23:52 Huh, based on these names, it looks like the majority of the animation team is actually in China, which is interesting.

Verdict: Oh man, is it really going to take this long to introduce all the dumb characters. What kind of dumb thing do you think it’s going to be next week? Mermaid? Werewolf? MUMMY?

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