Friday, March 2, 2012

Rideback - Episode 11: "Cloudy Followed by Occasionally Rain..."

We interrupt this political thriller involving motorcycles with arms for the weather report.

LAST TIME: Someone died! Sure, it was the least important character after the fat guy, but it was someone, and it was really sad! It will totally finally get the plot moving again, I hope.

0:12 Did you forget that ballet was actually an integral focus of this plot? I wouldn’t blame you.

1:38 So don’t you dare ever pursue any happiness, or else people will die for completely unrelated reasons.

3:39 Hey lady, water conservation starts at home.

3:59 I’m talking about our battle in chess terms, so naturally there is a half-finished chess game in front of me. Also, what am I even doing here?

4:57 Closed due to threat of terrorism. It happens.

5:53 Seriously, it starts raining when we’re really sad? What are the odds?

6:07 Hey! What about the fat guy? Nobody cares about the fat guy…

6:33 I’m curious what blonde chick did to have an all-point bulletin put out on her. Technically, she’s done nothing illegal in front of anyone. All she has been doing is harboring fugitives.


8:05 They still haven’t fixed Fuego? Were they busy?

9:07 This will make the third episode in a row where the main character has done nothing but sulk. A straight hour of sulking.

10:05 The roads are really slippery because of the rain. (Who are these people?)

10:50 What DID happen to her mom? Did she die from a ballerina accident? Did stage lights fall on her?

12:02 You…could decide that circumstances spiraled madly due to forces outside your control and you can’t blame yourself? Or…you can be sad, that works too.


14:06 How does blonde chick know that?!

14:55 Don’t bother with an initial attack or anything, that would just be a waste of resources.

16:15 Oh no she is hearing voices!

16:33 Now she is hearing words that she never actually heard in the first place…

17:20 You heard the woman, leave immediately!

18:01 Well, it’s probably not important, definitely not a bunch of extras in masks being killed. Why is everyone wearing a mask?

19:09 Death crab! The crab that will kill you!

20:08 That thing that happened is impossible, unless someone really talented like this specific guy I know is attacking us did it, in which case, wait, what am I talking about?

21:09 So hold up, these white ridebacks don’t even need riders anymore? That’s pretty intense.

21:49 We know they are terrorists because we said they are.

23:39 Instead of something stupid, have this poem instead. Oh, it’s still not very good, but it’s not wacky.

Verdict: Set-up episodes are so boring! Of course the main character is going to finally get her act together and do SOMETHING, why do we need to devote an entire episode to it? But hey, glad she’s finally out of her slump, only took an hour and a half and the death of one of her friends.

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