Monday, March 12, 2012

No Ordinary Family - Episode 16: "No Ordinary Proposal"

Now, I’m pretty sure it’s going to be Minion asking Marcia to marry him, but I’m kinda hoping that the Big Bad will come to Darla and suggest that they start eating all the non-super powered scientists.

LAST TIME: The doppelganger finally gets around to infiltrating, and she and Chiklis have a big bald fight, which kills her somehow. Also, the kids manage to get held captive at gunpoint, I’m not even sure how that happened, while Pills continues to abuse her Jedi mind powers.

0:39 It is really easy to avoid people on the street, running guy! Stop knocking people over, you jerk.

1:55 Oh no! An innocent bystander was hurt during your superheroing! Try to show some reasonable concern, Chiklis.

2:27 That random guy was not the Joker, I’m pretty sure he was a garden variety criminal. He could have hurt, what, 3 more people max?

2:52 YEP! You know what is happening.

3:42 Nobody marries Wolverine, Marcia. He’s a lone wolf.

4:24 Oh screw you, show! There is no gay Robin, and there are also five of them! Marcia’s character would know that. That joke stopped being funny decades ago.

5:32 That happened really quickly. It took them literally hours to get a party off the ground. Was no one busy tonight?

6:30 Wait, did Chiklis want to give this random kid who got shot superpowers? That sounds like the worst idea.

7:35 Did I miss a conversation? Why were Chiklis and Pills hugging?

8:08 As long as the thing he chooses is murdering people for me.

8:51 Why did they have Chiklis washing the champagne flutes? Of course he’s going to break them all.

10:34 Except for the part where you wiped her mind to make her forget she found out you were a killer, but whatever.

11:31 Amazingly, Tiberius turned down a chance to exploit his powers for personal gain. He’s come a long way.

12:13 I bet she stayed up all night thinking up that one.

12:58 Wait, they think Minion is a bad guy? When did they get that idea? I’m pretty sure he still hasn’t told anyone that he worked for the Big Bad, just that he took the serum.

They are getting their money’s worth out of this turquoise-shirted extra.

14:53 Was Bender even at the party last night? I didn’t see him there.

16:35 Minion is really bad at lying. Try and keep this really important secret secret there, chief.

17:20 Why is Chiklis suddenly okay with Bender dating his daughter now? I thought he still forbid her from talking to him.

18:14 I am used to people assuming I’m a criminal, I mean look how I style my hair.

18:46 Just once, I’m like her to hug someone and she flashes to them sitting on the toilet, just really pushing one out.

20:35 This guy’s path to villainy was quick and terrible. Now he’s robbing banks and punching refrigerators.

21:42 Is this douche teacher trying to bribe Tiberius to join his stupid club by saying he will fix a scholarship competition? Apparently academic decathlons are serious business.

22:58 Minion was concerned that his girlfriend wouldn’t love him if he didn’t have superpowers.

24:38 That was unnecessarily dramatic. She just tried to help you, jerk.

25:32 The serum can make a father beat his son?

26:52 Woo, super powered fight. Oh, I guess it’s over already. Dang.

27:45 Hang on, the serum is capable of changing someone’s mental chemistry? Amplifying their personality? Huh?

29:06 Defenestration!

29:50 This again? You tried this before. It didn’t work.

30:05 Oh, there we go. There’s the game changer. Nice work, villain.

31:22 Maybe have a spar with a man with super strength somewhere besides a room full of expensive computer equipment.

32:01 This has devolved into poorly-paced domestic abuse metaphor.

32:33 Exactly how did Bender’s dad figure out to go to the lab? I am having a really hard time remembering who knows what.

33:29 I can walk now, and I am more than willing to kill the only people I know who have access to the thing that caused that to happen!

34:42 This isn’t a Zelda boss fight, why do you keep moving to a new pillar for him to destroy after he damages one?

35:33 Yeah, dummy, maybe not the best idea to knock him right next to the thing you were trying to keep him from.

36:14 You know the person who lives here! Have some respect for her property.

37:27 Oh thank goodness, they finally figured out that probably wasn’t his name. (Now that I think about it, what is Minion’s name?)

38:08 We just kinda forgot about this subplot, so we’re going to wrap this up real quick.

39:09 Wait, he actually has other parents? Then why was he living with that lunatic?

40:03 Oop! This one too. Sorry, we’ve been busy with all kinds of heavy plot stuff, so just bear with us.

40:23 Which means that it wasn’t that bad of a tumor…small equals good.

41:09 He is going to make very happy, then really disappoint, some random girl on the bus.

41:46 The decathlon team that we will not bother to cast until next episode.

42:02 Hold up, douchey teacher is working for the bad guys? WHY?

Verdict: Yeah, that was a few episodes coming, and it’s sad and whatever, but screw Minion, he doesn’t deserve happiness after what he did. I’m glad that the Big Bad continues to have a number of confusing, complicated plans in the works. Sure, he could have handled all of these problems like five episodes ago, but then we wouldn’t have a show anymore, would we?

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