Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Shadowpact #5: "One Year Later"

Who the hell built that monument? The only people who seemed to care that Shadowpact has been missing for a year was the Phantom Stranger, and he hadn’t given up on them yet, even having random ladies go on guard duty to look for them. Also, pigeon pooping on Blue Devil’s head!

LAST TIME: After getting captured, the team is set free by some moron who changes side for no reason, and then Nightshade saves the day by capturing pretty much anyone. Then some magic happens and it’s a year later, and everyone suddenly has a beard. Even the women! (Not actually the women.)

Page 1, Panel 3: They explained that last issue! Or…two issues ago, because for some reason there was a solo filler issue between this and the last issue I read, because…I don’t know because.

Page 2, Panel 1: “Forget the monkey, I want to interview the dog!”

Page 2, Panel 4: Holy shit Blue Devil is a dick. He just sent the guy know claims to be his brother to hell. TO HELL.

Page 4, Panel 5: I think that guy was trying to flirt with Enchantress! Careful bro…she’s crazy. World destroying crazy.

Page 5, Panel 1: The world of the Dark Tower? So Stephen King’s novels are linked to the DC universe as well? Where is the Gunslinger?

Page 6, Panel 3: Ah man, this poor lady we’ve never seen before can’t leave her prison until Shadowpact checks in with the missus. Poor whoever-she-is.

Page 7, Panel 3: Is the dog just going to hang around with them forever now? Because I would fine with that. Although I wonder why he wasn’t here in the first place.

Page 7, Panel 5: First of, pal, I am a chimpanzee, so the correct term is “chimpanzee decency." Second, I’m a talking monkey, so I’m obviously who I claim to be. How many talking monkeys do you know?

Page 9, Panel 6:
Does she have to say that every time she has to open the door? Because that must get annoying.

Page 10, Panel 3: Oh crap, a really old guy! I’m a shaking in my boots!

Page 11, Panel 4: Yes, yes, the door to oblivion this is really clever, but you don’t need to spend four panels talking about.

Page 12, Panel 1: Obviously, someone who needed a hard drink, and also wants to see some awesome magic fairies.

Page 13, Panel 4: This random jackass created Batman? How? He has been sleeping for over 4000 years. What a retcon.

Page 14, Panel 3: Having everything but her Phantom of the Opera mask in silhouette looks weird, don’t do that.

Page 15, Panel 5: This landlady’s got balls, trying to soak someone who looks like the fucking devil for back rent.

Page 17, Panel 3: I’m going to assume Detective Chimp is making a joke and was not actually once a slave named Bobo at one point.

Page 18, Panel 1: Even the book itself is annoyed by the haphazard pace of the story.

Page 18, Panel 5: There are things about Ragman I don’t understand! But at least I’m not yelling at him like this moron who doesn’t understand he lives in a world full of superheroes.

Page 19, Panel 3: Ragman’s dialogue boxes are hard to read!

Page 20, Panel 1:
The six worst serial killers in your suit? So there are a fair number of serial killers in your rags? And you assume the six of the worst of them are really strong? What if they were weak but naturally crafty and insane?

Page 20, Panel 4: So, you don’t want him dead, then? Oh man, I hate assassins.

Page 21, Panel 4: She hit him so hard that he starts to naturally pinball.

Page 22, Panel 1: Wait, they sent this lady to kill Ragman, even though a) the rag suit will just transfer to someone else if he died, and b) he can apparently absorb evildoers, which all assassins are destined to be? Great plan guys.

Page 22, Panel 3: That was your snide remark, something I’d expect Shia LaBeouf to say? “Hotshot Judo Guy” indeed.

Verdict: Competent! Sure, I have no idea who any of these characters are, but someone must, and some people were probably very excited about this. Plus, now there’s a talking dog. It’s like the best part of Hanna-Barbara cartoons without all the goofiness.

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