Saturday, November 5, 2011


It hasn’t come up here before, but…I hate Spanish animation. I don’t know why, but every CG movie from Spain has been over the top in terms of story, animation, and general awfulness. They seem to know precisely what they aren’t doing, and it’s kinda fun to watch. So, let’s watch something so Spanish they didn’t bother to translate the cover art.

Netflix Synopsis: After chasing her favorite toy into the trash, Alicia ends up trapped in the foreign surroundings of a garbage dump. Now, her only friends are the cast-off things that live there, including a crusading toaster and a valiant trench coat who goes by the name Detective Glup. They want to help Alicia find her way home, but first they've got to circumvent the wicked Don Bater, who wants to lure Glup and his friends into the incinerator!

…couldn’t she just talk to the dump manager? Where are her parents? Is Glup the stupidest name they could come up with? And what makes a trench coat a detective anyway? Also, Don Bater?

0:17 There’s a disturbing amount of non-English so far.

0:29 And they drop us straight into the action! No explanation, just running!

0:56 Ah crap, this isn’t translated at all…alright fine, I guess I’m reading subtitles.

1:43 Yes, that is the name of the movie.

3:23 Guys, I can hear the Spanish. The lipsync isn’t accurate at all.

3:43 She slammed the door to her room so hard it shook the house.

4:07 What? Couldn’t you just pick up the papers again? Why would you need to print it again?

4:40 Oh, I see the problem with your radio immediately! There’s a bad coil! I can tell without actually opening the radio!

5:24 Wait what? You were both there when she said where she was going!

6:20 They bought her a gift for misbehaving?

7:18 Apparently all houses in Spain are extremely unstable that slamming the door will bring the whole thing down.

8:02 Why are they stealing her radio? Is there a problem with her radio, or are they just dicks?

9:57 Hey! Stop the garbage truck, guy! There’s a child on it!

10:26 Really? The garbage truck goes straight to the dump you say?

11:21 Oh right! Music will help you remember how to get home! Don’t bother to, say, ask anyone! Or wait for Tomas to save you.

12:35 Oh okay, Tomas found her already. I guess they can go home now.

13:46 Oh, I see, she got swept away in a river of garbage. That’s how we’re going to have a terrible plot happen.

14:34 Come and join Mr. Toilet!

15:16 Wait…I’m staring at a talking toaster and a talking lamp in a dump.

16:06 The toaster still had a piece of toast in his slot?

17:30 Did they imply that the mattress is all worn out because it was at a cheap hotel often used by prostitutes?

18:22 We don’t have to hide anymore because I heard some people talking about what I want to hear!

19:20 Holy crap they have a radio! That proves everything.

19:54 The light bulbs got so excited that they threw themselves on the ground and broke instantly.

21:02 Oh okay, the toaster can produce infinite toast.

21:53 Watch out for carnivorous helmets.

It’s true! It’s not his fault! There was just a sudden avalanche for no reason!

24:11 What’s up, how’s it going, talking toaster, talking gibberish. You probably wish you’re dead.

24:57 Hahaha! Oh man, the toaster has a friend called P.C., who got amnesia when he was formatted. That’s a mildly funny joke, and I’ll ignore the fact that there’s no way there’s a working computer at the dump.

26:15 Wait, she had amnesia for like two minutes? What the hell was the point then?

27:02 “She doesn’t even look like garbage.” Um, thanks?

27:27 No seriously, what is up with the helmets?

27:58 Bitch, just throw me a tube! I’m dealing with some kind of wild slime helmet, and I’m really confused!

29:03 And we’re back to the beginning of the film! And it still doesn’t make any sense.

29:35 Wait huh? The garbage has dating lives?

31:01 “Nobody should recycle anything!” Thanks, bad guy. I didn’t know you were a bad guy, despite being called Mr. Toilet.

Yes, a working radio is a plot against garbage! All garbage!

32:34 She is running straight for you! How is that getting away?

33:28 Doesn’t anyone work here? Just tell them there’s a missing girl in the dump, and it’s totally that jerk ass garbage man’s fault.

34:59 That was absurdly specific. What happened in Spain in May of 1968? Oh, some anti-Franco protests that achieved nothing. Great.

Oh no! Not the lamp! I never cared about you!

35:53 The toaster wants to be a camera. That’s a fair goal.

36:31 Toast vomiting monster, everyone!

37:17 There’s actually a club? I thought that club was a farce that they used to lure people in. Why build an actual club?

38:40 And the bad guy said what I’m thinking. What on Earth is happening?

39:06 This show is garbage! Meaning we should probably like it, because we’re garbage, but I mean…

40:20 I’m confused, why is the toilet scared of the furnace? It’s a large and immobile machine.

41:27 Who the hell was talking? Was it the mirror? Because it didn’t have a face.

42:45 He keeps on saying he’s a detective, but I haven’t seen do any detecting…

44:04 There is a real garbage problem at this dump. Always with the avalanches.

45:30 This guy is the worst character, why did he get the title? He hasn’t done a single heroic thing, just constantly wanting to save his own ass.

46:18 Oh, I see, they are hiding in boxes, which shouldn’t work, because we’ve established that boxes are also animate.

47:32 Hey bad guys, good job locking her up in a room adjacent to your room so she can easily escape and get exactly what she needs.

49:20 Don’t go in there, stupid! This is obviously an incinerator!

50:13 What no! They are right there! Don’t play your music now!

51:44 But I’m a bad guy! I’m supposed to be a bad guy!

Why did they bring the large slow lounge chair with them on their top secret stealth mission?

53:55 Wouldn’t he want that? To be used again? Threatening to sell him doesn’t make sense.

Pull the switch now! If you’re real villains, just kill everyone now! Why are you waiting for her to sing?

56:28 Yeah…momentum doesn’t work that way.

56:46 How will people know if she’s any good or not when you regularly fry your customers? There’s no word of mouth!

57:51 Also, you are a toilet, and I don’t know why I’m talking to you.

58:36 How did the roll of toilet paper get down here so fast?

59:50 That seems like a pretty faulty design for an incinerator…setting fire to the conveyor belt.

1:00:14 What the hell are you idiots doing up here? Just leave through the front door!

1:01:57 Can toilets catch on fire?

1:02:54 WHAT? Why would it suddenly be a different radio if you fixed it? You fixed it once already, and it worked fine then. Also…the music comes from a radio station, not the radio itself. So…yeah.

1:04:26 Oh I see, you can just politely talk to your broken appliances and they’ll start working again. That’s nice.

1:05:28 The toaster can now burn very specific designs into his toast. The toast that shouldn’t exist.

1:06:57 Who are the hell are these jackasses? And why is everything vibrating?

Verdict: UG. That was fairly stupid. The conceit was just dumb, and I can’t figure why anyone was afraid of the incinerator, and also why the hell the garbage company did not get their ass sued off. What inattentive drivers! Also, where the hell was Don Bater?

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