Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Shadowpact - Issue 8: "Ragtime"

Why is everyone punching Ragman? I don’t think he’s that bad a character. I mean, he’s stupid and mean, but not worth punching.

LAST TIME: The Shadowpact’s official cast goes from two full-time dogs to only one part-time dog, and then a bunch of jerks show up and start beating up the heroes, only to be blinded by Nightshade. Thanks, Nightshade. Also, Nightmaster is an asshole, and he made a bad Asimov joke.

Page 1, Panel 2: Do people just not ask when you show up to dinner wearing a Phantom of the Opera mask in Gotham?

Page 1, Panel 4: Oh come on, Doctor Arkham. You’re a doctor! You can foot the bill. Making the lady pay indeed.

Page 2, Panel 2: Now the cast of thousands don’t want to hurt Shadowpact? I don’t get it.

Page 3, Panel 4: I like how the exposition is being delivered by a big fat guy.

Page 3, Panel 5: Nightshade is so unused to the dark that just starts groping like crazy.

Page 4, Panel 3: Hey man, don’t make assumptions about what I perceive as Irish or Jewish. I’m pretty sure there could very well be Jews in Ireland.

Page 5, Panel 2: Haha. Patadahead. Oh…old school racism is funny and awful.

Page 6, Panel 2: I’d like to know exactly what happened before this panel, because there’s a lot of unanswered weirdness going on here. Why are they looking in that suitcase right now? Did he just get back from a basketball game? Why is the father confused that his son is hearing voices if he knows full well what the ragsuit means? Why is the ragsuit in a suitcase in the first place, I thought it was metaphysical in nature?

Page 6, Panel 4: Specifically, the crime of flipping out in a nice pizza place, these people are just trying to have dinner.

Page 7, Panel 3: Um, you just committed a serious crime of blinding hundreds of people. I wouldn’t be calling the cops if I were you.

Page 9, Panel 1: Hm, apparently hours have passed since that last page. Good to know. Also, he doesn’t find that odd?

Page 9, Panel 4: Alright! Let the punchfest begin. Punch time! (Oh also, Ragman, you are trapped in your suit, and these are the souls in there, and they want to punch you. I figured it out already, get with the program.)

Page 10, Panel 1: Okay, that didn’t take you that long. Also, apparently a cowboy and a baseball player are trapped in the ragsuit.

Page 11, Panel 3: Yep, all these people are terrible people. They belong here. Seriously, this lady drove a van full of babies into a river.

Page 12, Panel 3: Marcus Antonius? Really?

Page 13, Panel 3: Wow, this guy got stabbed maybe decades ago, except he doesn’t feel it and it can’t kill him. I want to be a soul trapped in a rag suit. Stupid unrepentent murder requirement.

Page 14, Panel 1: Oh okay. This is Marcus Liberius, just a random Roman soldier who was a bit of a dick. Also, he was apparently killed by Felix Faust.

Page 14, Panel 3: Oh shit! Alternate universe old Ab Lincoln became a spirit of vengence with a dagger. Okay, it’s probably not him, but don’t saw the word Abraham while showing me a guy is a stovepipe hat, because there’s where my mind will go.

Page 15, Panel 2: Seriously, I really want to know how many people the baseball player killed and why.

Page 15, Panel 4: That’s a bit of a loophole, isn’t it? He’s the best candidate to take the blindness because it won’t last long? Seems a bit weak as punishments go.

Page 16, Panel 1: So…Ragman, who takes in souls of really evil people, saves them from Hell, while Blue Devil, for convienence, sends living people he doesn’t like there. I suddenly hate both of these characters.

Page 16, Panel 4: Exact process not pictured.

Page 18, Panel 1: That better be soda water, Detective Chimp. Also, what is Tinkerbell doing here?

Page 19, Panel 2: I mean come on, idiots! It’s really easy to pop into different dimensions to make sure your poorly defined teleportation powers work. Jeez!

Page 20, Panel 2: Ragman really needs to poop!

Page 20, Panel 4: Oh okay, nevermind. He was just about to vomit up a Roman ghost. That’ll happen.

Page 21, Panel 2: And here’s special guest Madame Xanadu, to make everything better with magic.

Page 22, Panel 4: And that’s it…apparently. Aren’t you going to at least tell me those three dumb laws of superheroics? No? Fine.

Verdict: That was a perfectly fine little character study slammed into the end of what I thought would be a comprehensive story arc. I mean, I would have preferred some resolution, but hey, if you expect an entire story for $15, I guess you can go fuck yourself, huh? But fine. This artist was the most distracting, and I just barely noticed that there were like four different artists in the whole book, which is just nuts. Now excuse me, I need to check IMDB to find out what happens with Shadowpact.

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