Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Shadowpact #7: “The Laws of Battle”

Yeah, I’d be pretty shouty too if I had to wear some ugly white cowl like all the rest of my cult members. I mean, you probably wouldn’t get to personalize it at all. They probably get handed out at the beginning of every meeting…all full of someone else’s head sweat.

LAST TIME: Some guy with a shitton of dogs attacks Shadowpact and managed to turn two of them into mastiffs. Also, we were told the story of Flippy the bartender, who once knew Batman and developed telekinesis, and for some reason couldn’t get a job even though that ability is really awesome. And…that’s it! It was pretty filler.

Page 1, Panel 1: Hey Phantom Stranger, if you know all this, why don’t you, um, tell them about it?

Page 1, Panel 4: Ah come on, do some swears, comic books are for adults, I think.

Page 1, Panel 7: Let’s meet our cast one more time! (Again)

Page 2, Panel 1: Oh thank goodness they figured out that the dogs are actually their friends. Also, apparently Detective Chimp can speak to all creatures?

Page 3, Panel 2: Yeah, we kinda figured, DC. If one was Enchantress, then the other would be…

Page 4, Panel 1: What? They didn’t think of removing the collars in the first place? That’s what happens when you have super magical powers, that’s the hammer you use for all problems.

Page 4, Panel 3: The talking dog would like to know how Ragman felt about being a dog. I like to think he asks this to anyone who happens to be a dog at some point.

Page 5, Panel 2: Also, I have a hard time handing things to people with my crazy flipper hands. Thanks for bringing up my disability, jerk.

Page 5, Panel 4: Captain, me, from Shadowpact. Yes I know you think I’m dead, anyway…

Page 6, Panel 2: Hey Nightmaster, maybe be less of a dick. You were the one who brought up his fins!

Page 6, Panel 5: The talking dog has a plan!

Page 7, Panel 3: Is…rhyming a big deal? Why did we spent three panels setting up that non-joke?

Page 8, Panel 5:
Hellhound gang? Aren’t they all in the thrall of the Huntsman? Wouldn’t their reason to cohere be null at this point?

Page 9, Panel 2: Ah, the most dangerous member of the evil magic gang: the overweight woman!

Page 10, Panel 3: The plans of the Congregation sound very well thought out!

Page 10, Panel 4: What are these young children doing on the street after dark? This is a bad neighborhood.

Page 13, Panel 1: There are suddenly too many guys and some of them are fat!

Page 14, Panel 4: Man, Nightmaster is such a buzz kill. You are going to lock yourself in a room and learn strategy? Maybe consider asking some of your friends? Also, those people died because you tricked by powerful magic. You can’t really blame yourself for being outwitted.

Page 15, Panel 2: If she had wardings up, the Enchantress shouldn’t have been able to sneak up on her…

Page 15, Panel 4: I keep on misreading this woman’s name as Lasagna. I’m going to keep that up.

Page 16, Panel 3: This is the craziest flash mob.

Page 17, Panel 3: Oh…Blue Devil is getting grabby!

Page 18, Panel 1: Wow, that is a pretty spectacular hand thing you did there. I have no idea how you’re doing that, considering you’re on a city street, but hey, that’s neat.

Page 18, Panel 3: Nightshade, she’s willing to kill hundreds of people!

Page 20, Panel 4: Oh no, all those ragamuffins on the street were blinded! Maybe go home after dark.

Page 21, Panel 3: Maybe just help her with the magic thing? You got three fire sisters at your disposal.

Page 22, Panel 2:
Oh, apparently the cauldron of whatever is just like the Monster Manual.

Page 22, Panel 5:
UG! Asimov jokes.

Verdict: Oh no! Everyone is in trouble and there’s like one issue in the arc! I’m kinda worried that everything might not be resolved and I’m worried! Also, I have no idea what Nightmaster is up to, but I don’t like him. He’s a jerk.

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