Friday, November 11, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 10: "Akuto’s Great Capital War"

I don’t know…I’ve seen better capital wars. I mean, in others I can actually tell who the bad guy is and why.

LAST TIME: One part sad drama about a woman trying to talk herself into an arranged marriage with a complete jackass, one part insane gibberish hidden behind blood. I really couldn’t tell you what the conditions for the start of this episode are, because I have no idea who the villain is or what he’s trying to accomplish. So…okay.

0:15 So…there’s a bunch of monsters and they just destroyed the school. Alright.

0:48 If it’s not using mana then where the hell did the sword come from? You didn’t finish the fucking sentence!

2:03 Was that an airship? This world has airships? How did I not notice that before?

2:25 Oh right this guy. I forgot that he has a robot suit.

2:53 Guy you are missing half of your face! And goddamn spirit energy is coming out the other side. How are you still talking?

3:37 Oh who the hell is this guy? Stop introducing characters!

4:35 In all of the generations, nobody has drawn the sword from its sheath? Wouldn’t it be rusted as shit by now?

5:31 Thanks grandma! I mean, there are a bunch of monsters, sure, but a pep talking about following my heart sure was helpful right now.

5:53 Lady why the hell are you changing your clothes and why are we watching you do it?

6:43 I’ve forgotten! What’s his weapon again?

7:11 Wait, why did those guys stop in the first place? Shouldn’t they have kept running?

7:55 Yes obviously. Of course you can make your own decisions. What we asked was WHAT are you actually going to do.

8:28 Hang on, this academy was called “Constant Magic Academy” this whole time? I’m glad it’s being destroyed.

8:50 Another clothes changing scene! Maybe change before you get there?

9:52 Are those giant bugs or regular-sized bugs?

10:09 You might think this strategy is goddamn stupid and suicidal, and it is, but they’re going to do it anyway, because they are stupid and suicidal.

11:03 Yeah your code is great and all, but please kill all the monsters for me, okay new boyfriend?

11:39 What enemies? Whose enemies? Who is the bad guy here? GOD? GOD is the enemy? HOW?

12:13 I must have missed the point where this guy lost his shirt?

13:06 FUCKING DRAGON TIME! Peter Howzen for the win!

13:45 Oh, dagger melting aura, that’s a good one.

14:38 Yeah okay, he’s probably really evil and such, but he said he’d take care of me so I guess I’m alright with it. Please he’s super cute.

15:33 OH GOD just goddamn fight already. Stop talking to your dragon and just attack or something.

16:44 She just sliced a demon in half! I think she’s ready to take care of myself.

17:34 Dude he is in high school. You have not given him enough time to change people’s lives. Also, good job calling everyone worthless, “hero.”

18:23 He had an anti-Demon King battle mode? Why wasn’t he currently in that mode?

18:50 I like how they talk about mana like I have any idea how mana works.

19:14 Scottish guy with a beard, all!

19:46 Are these two jackasses still talking?

20:45 Oh, redhead chick just suddenly did a lot of drugs really quickly, because she is talking gibberish.

21:23 Take that innocent bystanders! I’m sure you all deserve to die!

Verdict: This has gone pear-shaped! Now instead of just being wacky fun, it’s grim and dark battles, with a bunch of soldiers and monsters and such coming out of goddamn nowhere. Why are there suddenly monsters? How is the main character suddenly a bad guy? Who are all these damn guys? Would it have killed them to explain anything?

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