Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shadowpact #6: "The Wild Hunt"

That’s…a lot of goddamn mastiffs. I mean, they are cool dogs, but more than a dozen? That is kinda overdoing it. I also like that they call out the two people that they didn't put on the cover, as if those people are in any danger of dying. Yeah, sure, comic book characters dying. Craziest thing I’ve ever heard! (RIP Ralph Dibny. Pour one out for my elongated bro.)

LAST TIME: Everyone had a beard! They tried to pick up their scattered lives after losing a year, and someone took over the bar, and the Ragman was attacked by some DC Universe character. Oh, and some unknown Big Bad apparently inspired Batman, which is the craziest damn thing I’ve heard since Batman fought some giant plant in the future or something. I don’t get Morrison at all.

Page 1, Panel 3: OH! Hey, didn't see you there. Ancient Homo Magi ritual, you see that. Can I get you a drink?

Page 1, Panel 4: Wait, the Phantom Stranger has other responsibilities? What else is he doing? Does he have a day job?

Page 2, Panel 3: Her power increase and decrease based on the moon, huh? So I guess her powers are based on whether it’s…the time of the month? (BOOO!)

Page 3, Panel 2: “Press here! Make way for the press!” My job is to be obnoxious! That’s why I don’t bother to name which press! I actually just have a blog!

Page 4, Panel 1:
How did you mistake a huge pile of dogs for fog!?

Page 6, Panel 3: Oh good, Enchantress had Death Touch prepared. That will take care of the dogs. Although she really should have gone for Sleep. It’s easier and can affect multiple enemies.

Page 8, Panel 1: Really? Fire pixie triplets? Oh that old trick.

Page 8, Panel 3: Detective Chimp is a male monkey! He will not be causing birth defects in any way whatsoever!

Page 9, Panel 2: Oh alright, he was being an obnoxious cliché on purpose.

Page 10, Panel 1: Why is this Huntsman fellow at least 20 feet tall? Is he a giant?

Page 11, Panel 2: Wait what? The bartender doesn’t have normal arms and legs? I did not notice that at all!

Page 11, Panel 3: Hey everyone! Batman! Batman’s here!

Page 12, Panel 3: “Magic folks sometimes advertise in the yellow pages.” ….good to know.

Page 13, Panel 1: He studied with a wizard for nine years and learned telekinesis? Those are two different schools, bro. That’s psychic powers, you should be learning magic powers.

Page 13, Panel 2: This random bartender is severely underestimating the wants and needs of his customers. If I met a bartender who knew telekinesis, I would go every weekend.

Page 14, Panel 4: Oh okay, Flippy the Bartender threatened to choke everyone who disagrees with him. A real hero.

Page 15, Panel 3: Oh okay! The Huntsman turns his victims into dogs! That’s why he has so many dogs!

Page 17, Panel 1: Oh Nightshade. Solving all your problems with shadow monsters. Specifically the cyclops from Clash of the Titans. (That’s weird.)

Page 19, Panel 2: Blue Devil cheats! Whenever he meets someone that he does not like, he just sends them to hell. How fair is that?

Page 20, Panel 4: HAHAHA! Blue Devil is an idiot!

Page 21, Panel 3: Ah man! Who let the party pooper into the bar? 30 dead people ain’t that big of deal in the DC universe. Superman doesn't even leave the house until 50 people are in danger. Or one Lois Lane.

Page 22, Panel 2: Take the collars off! How did you not think of this already?

Verdict: Who the fuck is the Huntsman? Because he sucks and I hate him, and I’m glad he’s in Hell. Stupid dick. So, that was padding if I’ve ever seen it, but it super weird to see Batman in this. Apparently Batman saved a circus freak at one point? Huh.

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