Friday, November 4, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 9: "Crazy Fuss about an Arranged Marriage"

Yeah, what’s the big deal? I mean jeez, it’s not like our societal values have adjusted greatly in the past 100 years that the mere concept of women being auctioned off to the highest bidder is seen as barbaric by most Western cultures and is gradually losing favor, even in Japan. I mean come on, it’s not like this show was produced just last year!

LAST TIME: The hero is suddenly very concerned that his good friend isn’t going to class, and so he does something about it. Of course, it doesn't really get resolved because a monster shows up, and for some reason our hero just sits and watches as his friend solves the problem instead. It was pretty much all filler, but there was no nudity, so I liked it.

0:08 This thanking by these children is sound more and more insincere with each second. “Yeah, thanks, okay, go away already.”

0:42 “Everyone believes in God so you need to accept that.”

1:09 Wow, that was a huge burn to Catholicism. I think you’re only allowed to make that joke if you are Catholic, not, say, Japanese. (Also, wait, in this world full of magic and advanced tech, the Catholic faith still exists?)

3:01 Yeah, okay, I guess he’ll just have to convert from the religion he totally doesn’t care about.

3:27 That was a super reasonable conversation she’s having with herself. If only she was acting insane in a public place.

4:27 Or you could just look in his room or call him on your book phone or…

5:34 He’s obviously in the standing position. Oh, you mean which job does he currently have. Also, who the hell are these people?

6:11 Magic related incidents at a magic academy?! For shame!

7:12 That’s a neat monorail.

7:44 Wait, didn’t they actually discuss this arranged marriage two episodes ago? He should know what’s going on, right?

8:34 Wait, is that the house? I can see it from here. Why would it take 20 minutes to get there?

8:56 Oh of course! The teen idol from last episode is also a ninja.

9:24 Say what I want you to say or I will slit your throat.

9:46 “I was bitten by a demon beast and whenever one gets near me, I feel weird.” It’s so hot.

10:52 ….the main character just accepted the arranged marriage without even realizing it, because he’s a complete idiot.


13:49 No seriously, what kind of guy is he? A respectful human being who refuses to take advantage of you? Why are you so sad about that?

14:09 Oh Christ ninjas!

14:43 Oh no it’s whoever-it-is!

15:33 Oh man…she forgot to let anyone know it was her birthday today! How supersad.


16:30 So our next target is your friend for reasons that I’m not even sure of.

17:06 And now this the ninja idol is all sad, because her sister worked herself into a lather and it’s apparently his fault.

I think the writer just decided that political plots are confusing, so he wrote this episode to be as confusing as possible.

18:52 Oh he can teleport through trees now.

19:26 The gross frog thing had a missile in its stomach.

19:48 The guy’s position name was so long that his enemy couldn’t even say the entire name before being sliced in half.

20:30 So she’s super important because she’s a ditz?

20:59 Stop saying Principle of Identity! Those words mean nothing!

21:17 Oh crap they cut off his arm! And he grew another one!

21:35 And then Cerebus showed up!

21:47 She managed to trick demons into following her by giving them panties.

Verdict: AAAAHHH! That got super insane really quickly! Suddenly there are dozen more characters and everyone is a bad guy or maybe not and they monologue like crazy people and I have no idea what is going on at all, mainly because the plot was squeezed into the last 25 percent and was really rushed. You really couldn’t cut a minute or two of samurai girl being really apprehensive to give yourself some more time to explain the plot?

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