Friday, November 18, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 11: "The Girl's Final Battle"

Because even though all the primary antagonists are dudes, it’s really the ladies that we’re interesting in seeing duke it out. Pretty weird though, considering the majority of them of them are on side Demon King. Well, except for green haired chick, but her powers are so vague that I doubt she’s actually any good in a fight. Well, maybe someone will die. That’ll be interesting.

LAST TIME: OH I DON’T KNOW! For some reason demons took over the school and there's political intrigue and the MC decided that he wants to punch out God and frankly I’m confused and a little upset. Maybe this episode will clear everything up?

0:07 Okay, the Large Hadron Collidor, that’s nice.

0:35 And…some blonde chick that we’ve never seen before just got hugged by a demon who appeared in a portal. Yep!

1:13 Hang on, the bad guy who hasn’t properly established himself is a time traveler?

2:16 “I can’t be passive until it’s in motion.” Man, these lyrics just keep giving and giving.

2:58 So…is everyone crying because of the thousands of innocent staff on the airship or…they’re crying for their boyfriend, aren’t they?

3:40 What are you two doing here? I thought you guys were standing in front of the tomb entrance a second ago? How are you in this building?

4:16 Oh okay, the bad guy created the suit, that makes sense.

5:27 She had a bottle of perfume that she threw at this weird creep. I’m just stating the facts as I see them.

6:14 Witch Hat Lady has Dhalsim fist attacks?


7:24 Don’t kill her, just get her. With guns.

Robot? When was it established they have a robot?

8:33 A wolf talking with a lady’s voice is very surreal.

9:12 Is this guy also a teleporter? How does he get from place to place so easily?

10:10 So…red haired chick is also a cyborg?

10:42 Oh okay he can teleport! Good to know! Maybe he’ll go away forever now!

11:29 Wait hey what why was Witch Hat Lady naked and also a dude?

11:58 Um…we’ve already established that the little books act like iPhones, why is there suddenly a glowing Bakelite telephone now?

12:57 “All the men of my family are very wild.” You do not want to see what they get up to in Cancun!

13:39 Um if this guy is a good guy, why did he kill all the other good guys with guns?

Oh no I think someone is dead!

15:05 What’s his problem? You just shattered his torso! I think he has a right to have a problem.

16:01 Oh, the switch body technique, which transfers one’s body with a log. Yeah, I’ve seen Naruto.

16:43 If one more person randomly shows up and blows up everyone again, I’m going to assume this is poorly written!

17:40 Thanks Peanut Gallery. It’s good to know there is someone out there is not dead yet.

Hey about time buddy! The show is only named after you and everything.

18:39 “To be honest, a few things might not be functioning anymore.” Such as my dragon penis! I’m sorry I said that out loud.

19:10 Now that he’s a demon king, he only cries demon king tears.

20:26 Oh! Apparently the sword can only be drawn when it’s to cut down some crazy bitch.

21:11 Her entire family is suddenly a-ok with her disobeying orders because of Love.

21:55 OH FUCK! Come on, somebody with a name die already!

22:13 Wait, her dad is a cyborg? Since when? Also, sudden cyborg!

23:05 Yeah…so…I’m not telling you nothing kid. I’m just a big dumb dragon.

Verdict: This continues to be double bananas! While it was nice to finally see the Witch Hat Lady do something beside sneer and talk, I had no idea whose side anyone was on and why hundreds of soldiers had to die for some pissy fight between who knows and who cares. Also, the sheer number of times a near fatal attack was stopped by someone randomly appearing was just asinine. It’s almost like they were afraid they might hurt someone’s feelings if they actually followed through with killing anyone important, so everyone gets to live, even though nobody is in the right anymore.

In other words, I didn’t like it!

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