Monday, October 31, 2011

FlashForward - Episode 21: "Countdown"

It’s the…final…one?

LAST TIME: They caught the bad guy! And Baltar made everyone really uncomfortable! And Beardo saved his daughter! And…I don’t know, Dmitri is having problems for reasons that they have no adequately explained? Let’s just get going.

0:29 Oh thank god they are actually going to mention to the Japanese chick. I was really worried about that.

1:45 They actually did cover why she thinks her dad will die, but I’m going to pretend they didn’t so I can be mad!

3:05 Charlie has a gun, and he wants you to remind you of this fact.

3:38 Are they eating burritos at 8 in the morning? That seems pretty gross.

5:00 That’s a good badly-dubbed question, is ANYONE going to work or school today?

6:24 I am amazed how often they interrogate people who should be in jail NOT in jail.

7:09 Now I’m going to draw you a picture of a bunny!

8:02 Is one of the options on this future flowchart “T Wipe”? What the hell does that mean? Toilet wipe?

9:03 Also, did you know that it’s okay for civilians to be here normally? I mean, it confuses me, but…

9:45 Oh, okay, T(achyon) wipe is actually a huge dumb plot point.

10:27 Water polo, then bobbing for apples, then scuba diving? Where on Earth do you go to do all those things?

11:18 Maybe you shouldn’t have flown to America without getting a work visa or anything, you dummie.

12:48 OH CRAP Dmitri totally knocked up FBI Lesbian! HOLY CRAP!

13:42 That being on the table…what is everyone so mad about? He cheated on you with someone who is not attracted to him at all! It was for a totally pragmatic reason, and while it was fucking stupid, it should not break a relationship, because it was not a betrayal of love.

15:59 Hey, how’s it going? I’m here too, in Afghanistan, please don’t punch me.

16:37 OH NO, Jericho was doing an experiment for the Blackout! Which I probably already knew!

17:22 That was super sloppy choreography.

18:09 Apparently pregnant people are only allowed to worry about their baby and absolutely nothing else.

19:03 So…apparently they raided a server room and were surprised to find that there is nothing but servers in there.

19:35 Oh nevermind, a bunch of nobodies got killed for no reason.

20:11 No seriously, fucking stop. He said that you were guaranteed to attack him, so for the love of god, do not attack him.

21:40 The extras had somewhere very important they needed to be!

23:10 Yeah, come on kid, figure it out. That’s how platitudes work.

23:58 That is a lot of evidence boxes. I wonder what the hell is in there.

25:25 Wait, they are going to do the villainous thing anyway? The hell, Dmitri?

This stupid kid doesn’t know what infinity means? Man, this is the most obnoxious child.

26:57 No, he’s on the other side of the room, he can probably hear you just fine.

29:09 And there we go. FBI Guy, you are a goddamn idiot.

30:15 I am really really confused why everyone just doesn’t go home and just stay there all day.

30:39 There are going to be fireworks? Who is setting off the fireworks?

31:09 What? How? You got choked to death in your vision. Exactly what enemies have you made in the past six months?

33:01 Wait, they are actually letting Nurse Guy see Japanese Lady? He…oh…it’s her mom. Okay.

33:54 Hey what’s up? I work for Immigration, I am a hard ass, how are you?

34:38 Oh man, extra in a turban, you are my favorite character ever.

35:26 ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS? Some random asshole just handed Mark a canteen, because…for fucking because. That is the lamest ass plot point ever.

37:08 Um…wasn’t the lab they were trying to get to nearby? They’ve been driving for at least six hours. You can get anywhere important in six hours.

38:22 Ah…Beardo’s daughter died…that’s no fair.

39:20 This random gay drunk has a lot of confidence that he’ll be able to pick up FBI Guy.

40:56 WOO BAR FIGHT! Gay drunk has a posse!

41:52 Oh okay, sure, let’s have a montage that proves without a doubt that nobody’s vision will come true. Good message?

Verdict: Meh! For a penultimate episode, it tried really hard to be intense, and it failed pretty badly. They set the stacks too high, and instead made the entire thing very defeatist, in which nobody gets what they want and everyone is sad and I really don’t need to watch anymore, because it’s going to suck. But I’ve been here this long!

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