Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Shadowpact #3: "The (Short) Year of Living Dangerously"

Yeah, right. The monthly book named Shadowpact totally killed off its central team and replaced them a team of nobodies in their third issue. That must be what happened. I totally believe you, Strega. (Man, screw everyone who calls themselves Strega.)

LAST TIME: Shadowpact broke into the blood dome and proceeded to get their ass kicked by the bad guy expy team, but for a perfectly reasonable reason, they can't kill them, so they are going to chain them up instead. That's all. It's a pretty decompressed read.

Page 1, Panel 1: Okay, listen Phantom Stranger, you're not Rod Serling, and you know it.

Page 2, Panel 1: You know, they put a lot of effort into reminding us that all of this happened one year ago. Can we get around to what actually happened this year?

Page 2, Panel 2: Yeah, um, unless they are playing the Hallmark television movie adaptation, I doubt they are playing "Winter of our Discontent" at the multiplex.

Page 2, Panel 3: Real priority there, Blue Demon. Just kvetch at length about something some asshole you don't recognize told you. I'm sure he's telling the truth.

Page 4, Panel 1: Eewww, individually-sized blood domes.

Page 5, Panel 2: "You propensity for trivial murder is so notorious"

Page 5, Panel 4: Go ahead, remind the vicious killer who just threatened you that he's both weak and a monster.

Page 6, Panel 1: Hell has a staff? Where do you apply for that? What's the benefits plan like?

Page 7, Panel 1: "Your number's come up and it's your turn to hop into the murder hole." Things I never want to hear for $300, Alex.

Page 7, Panel 5: It's be kinda funny if this murder hole business was all a big ploy and they are actually getting teleported to DisneyLand or something.

Page 8, Panel 1: So why are you guys standing on the watertower all of a sudden? For fun?

Page 8, Panel 3: Yeah, I hate when big business and industrialization comes along and turns murder into an assembly line.

Page 9, Panel 3: You're confused that a chimpanzee with super intelligence managed to escape being tied to a pole with what appears to be four feet of rope?

Page 10, Panel 2: Oh, apparently he got away because chimpanzees are really strong. Not mentioned: The fact that he can talk.

Page 11, Panel 1: And just like that, White Rabbit has quit and is releasing the good guys. It's been, what, three days? Lot of tension.

Page 11, Panel 3: I have but one condition for your release - train enough so that one day you can kill me. I'm complicated.

Page 12, Panel 2: Stone cold, Enchantress. Although I might do the same thing to a jerk who said his "personal code" prevents him from making sure people don't go into the murder hole.

Page 13, Panel 3: Oh yeah, I knew I was going to lose, so I didn't even try. That's what happened. I am still awesome.

Page 13, Panel 5: You managed to study all her spells in a fight that lasted all of 45 seconds?

Page 14, Panel 3: If she spent a hundred years creating the blood barrier, then how the hell did all this normal people get in here? I'm confused.

Page 15, Panel 1: Yeah sure, giant shirtless shadowmen tell me what to do all the time.

Page 16, Panel 2: So, Nightshade just made the entire town go black? Why didn't she do that first?

Page 17, Panel 2: Oh, what's up man? Just chilling on my shadow chair.

Page 17, Panel 3: Um, why didn't you have the trident summoned last time, Blue Devil? He called you out.

Page 18, Panel 2: OH GIANT FOOT!

Page 19, Panel 5: And...they took care of everyone else by trapping them in shadowboxes. Thanks for pulling your weight, everyone on the team who isn't Nightshade.

Page 20, Panel 1: Was it funny in the first place?

Page 21, Panel 2: In case you forgot these two dummies were outside, here they are again. Also, check out this cleavage.

Page 22, Panel 2: Apparently breaking the blood dome caused everyone to spontaneously grow a beard.

Page 22, Panel 3: Oh okay, Ehchantress took a full year from everyone to break the spell, which caused them to age a year (a year without shaving, apparently), and it's also a year later, so it's all pretty much a wash. Great.

Page 22, Panel 6: And the worst part is, they forgot to pay their rent! (woomp woomp)

Verdict: Well that worked. It was fine, it explained what the hell was going on, although I'm curious what happened to most of the bad guys. Are they still in shadowboxes? What happens next? Will Swordmaster be able to get his car back?

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