Monday, October 17, 2011

FlashForward - Episode 19: "Course Correction"

That is assuming that the series isn’t heading straight for a ditch.

LAST TIME: FBI Lesbian isn’t really a saboteur after all. She was just pretending to be one to trick the bad guys. Also, Nurse Lady still think she’s in the FBI and meets with Baltar, who lets her know that D. Gibbons did experiments on him, and also her entire life is a lie. So, that’s great.

0:18 Oh my! Do you remember that Charlie had a side plot? Well, guess what. It might get addressed this time!

Palo Alto! Home of boring technical stuff!

2:56 Hang on, they went ahead with the experiment even though the chief scientist was away? They couldn’t wait two days?

3:56 Do you love pointless CGI? Well we got it!

4:34 They already opened the champagne? Guys! Wait until you are sure you have a reason to celebrate!

5:25 NO! Not the character we met two minutes ago!

6:01 Hang on, they managed to sedate Baltar? How?

6:45 Ahem, bullshit. This lady again. I hate this plot point because it killed an interesting character, and we still have no idea why.

7:30 I have a question, and then a completely unrelated follow-up. You’ll answer both, right?

8:34 Oh no! Some lady! Might jump!

9:00 Predator did a lot to making people standing still somewhere really threatening.

9:56 Jon? I didn’t know you were an actor. (Joke nobody who reads this will get.)

10:43 Oh right, Nurse Guy and Babysitter Lady. Will their romance ever get off the ground? (Also, why wouldn’t it? They are both gorgeous.)

11:59 Wait what? “Student discovered unknown species.” Why aren’t we following that story?

How the hell did four people know how they were going to die? Did they also get a random call from some Middle Eastern lady?

14:08 Um…no. She wasn’t. She was on a bridge, with a bunch of laser pointers on her face. Don’t lie, buddy.

16:19 So…how do you get an FBI commission? What about the company they used to work for? Did they go out of business?

17:26 Also, whoever the hell “they” are. We should find that out too.

18:07 Wait, this was the Blue Hands leader? Shouldn’t he be in some kinda sex cave?

19:01 Is that an option? Could you go on television and announce it? Do you know a guy?

19:37 Autistic or really bad actor? You decide!

20:02 Come on beardo, let’s get you back to bed. Stop acting creepy. Also, who the hell is paying for your insurance?

21:12 Baltar tried to eat a hamburger: A play in three acts.

23:22 They changed his password? Then…how the hell do they expect him to work?

23:51 Great place to keep the most important object you have acquired: In the room accessible to a person you really don’t trust.

24:41 Go on, get out of here, don’t have any more questions about the cancer that has been haunting you for over a year!

25:12 Oh thank god I thought the show forgot that she existed. Related: How the hell does Babysitter Lady know what she looks like?

26:11 So, some guy we don’t remember is killing people we don’t care about. Excellent plot point.

27:13 So…this guy just abandons a class full of teenagers, and they stay? I find that super unlikely.

28:03 You couldn’t stop? Do they not teach you how to drive in England? Why were you driving so fast?

28:43 I love drinking raindrops. (Om) (Om)

30:22 When someone talks gibberish to you, immediate ask if they want to drink alcohol.

30:55 OH MY! There was a kiss! Everyone panic!

31:44 What, that woman died even if though the car that hit her was going, at most, 20 miles an hour?

32:50 So…Al died for nothing! I’m glad to here that! I’m glad someone’s life was ended for absolutely no reason!

33:50 Why did they build that electrical box so close to the garage door? You were just begging for something like this to happen.

34:31 Well, we haven’t taken her out of the van that might very well be rigged with explosives, but otherwise, she’s fine.

35:26 OH NO he’s going somewhere! (Where is he going?) (Did we get any indication he would go somewhere?)

36:01 Oh thank goodness, the flashforwards don’t cause brain damage. I was really worried about that.

37:02 Oh no they got caught! This would worry me if…

38:10 Oh okay, Charlie told them to do the experiment anyway. That’s why they went ahead anyway. Alright.

38:58 Oh dear! They did some science on him and he is as tall and wide as that random guy we saw in Detroit! They wouldn’t have figured that out if they didn’t do science!

40:40 What…? Why would Simon cause another blackout? For fun? The audience knows that he has absolutely no reason to do it. So why would he?

Verdict: So hey, I really appreciate that they reversed the really crucial plot death early in the season. And now the conflicted bad guy is a real bad guy for no obvious reason is also great. Oh…and jettisoning the Asian love interest. Yeah, they are really earning some real points with me this episode.

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