Friday, October 14, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 6: "Let's Go to the Beach House"

There’s a…beach school. Oh god, this is a swimsuit episode isn’t it? Okay! Bring it on! I can take it!

LAST TIME: Our heroes, all of them, even though half of them seemed to do it randomly, went down into some secret catacombs, managed to wake up a fucking dragon, and then the dragon was tamed by the main character and now everyone suddenly lives underground? Also people can not stop leaping panties first at our hero. He’s got appeal?

OH OKAY! That’s why there are so many ladies! Because the secret organization is trying to seduce the hell out of him to control him. Because the only way to control someone is by making them love you…wait…

Why in this opening is he running around New York (we can see the Chrystler building)? Does he ever go to New York?

YEP! Swimsuit episode! We’re just at the beach for no reason!

2:59 What? What children have you seen? That is the body of a woman!

3:25 And…topless.

3:48 What are you doing back at school? Didn't you tame a dragon?

4:09 Okay, the android is getting extremely aggressive sexually. It’s really damn creepy.

5:01 And now the robot is all heartbroken. Remember that she’s doing this because a bunch of creepy old men with no eyes told her to.

5:14 How did she change into her pajamas so fast?

5:29 Oh Christ, and now she’s switched over into obnoxious little sister mode. Because Japan is into that. Gross.

6:26 GUY! Go to the police! She’s being insane, and she should not be in your room!

7:12 “Not just today, I’m always cute.”

7:29 Oh, alright. He has a secret teleportation circle in his desk to his magic dragon lair.


9:03 “Why?!” The main character finally shouts exactly what we’re all thinking.

9:31 “Knocking him off his feet must mean killing him right?” Yeah, sure, that’s rational.

10:01 Um..what’s with the peanut gallery? Go away everyone.

11:03 Wrong choice of words, dumdum. And…she laughs it off.

11:29 Oh christ! They are literally just putting phallic symbols all over the damn screen!

11:54 And the penis sponge just ejaculated! We are officially in shitville!

12:49 Oh good! She’s no longer covered in white stuff!

13:06 Because you keep on trying to kill me? I’m not usually on a first name basis with assassins.

13:20 And…some boobs.

14:23 Don’t worry, just trying to figure out why we are no longer on the beach all of a sudden.

14:46 Oh, that’s a completely normal thing to do. Let me not bother you then.

15:25 So…they didn’t want him to come to this island because he might die? Doesn’t everyone want him dead?

16:09 That was super boring. I can’t believe I’m upset that we are no longer looking at girls.

16:48 Oh right, this insane lady again.

17:23 Wait what? Witch Hat Lady is a boy? Or is the dragon just confused?

18:09 Witch Hat Lady would also like to sleep with the Demon King. FOR SOME REASON.

18:52 If she’s not a black mage, why is she wearing the Black Mage hat?

19:40 Is…she drunk? I mean, she always talks like this, but she usually doesn’t flail like a moron.

20:19 Yep, she’s drunk. And all lovey-dovey, because of course she is.

20:56 Wait, he really doesn’t remember her? Does he have amnesia?

21:40 WHAT TEACHINGS? There are teachings that require him to act like a spaz?

22:04 Hurray the really annoying robot is dead! Oh wait, that should probably upset me.

Verdict: UG! That was terrible! Just…all the over-the-top super sexual material that just grated on my brain. It wasn't funny and I didn’t like it! And then they throw a goddamn switch and it suddenly super serious? You can’t do that! Keep your shirts on for one episode!

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