Friday, September 2, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 1: "The Demon King is Born"

So…season 2 of Sekirei is not going to happen. At least not now. The decision was based primarily on the fact that the season is currently only subbed, and I think having to both read and come up with funny stuff would be pretty tough, so I’m going to skip it. Instead, I’m going to move onto something new, something I’ve never heard of, something without gag boobs. That’s right, that classic, Demon King Daimao! What? Never heard of it? Well, it’s got a king, he’s a Demon, don’t know his name, could be anything. Anyway. Let’s get moving!

0:10 Lady, don’t take your baby out in the rain. That’s like the one time you don’t take a baby outside.

0:39 That is a huge goddamn Mary statue. It’s taller than the church itself!

1:26 Oh fuck panty shot already. I was really hopeful…I really was.

2:24 Let the horrible crone carry her own luggage! Otherwise a girl who isn’t wearing appropriate underwear will kick you in the head. (It’s a known proverb.)

3:25 That was the name he gave you, yes. I’m going to assume that means something in Japanese.

4:12 Yeah…that’s not quite a sentence. Too many words. Try again.

4:58 Oh of course you are. Yeah, of course that random chick he met is a member of some secret family involved in…what the hell was that again?

6:02 I remember when I went to college, and I was suddenly inducted in some secret pact with a cute chick who followed some archaic religion and…OH WAIT NOTHING MAKES SENSE SO FAR.

7:38 Go stand in front of that thing. I will not explain it at all, so don’t bother asking.

8:04 Wait, what is with the Groucho Marx magic crow? Is this the sorting hat of this world? Because it’s super weird.

8:59 “Demon King, that’s another name for the King of Demons.”

9:56 The main character says exactly what the audience is thinking. Why are there so many convergent elements? Tech, magic, demons? The hell?

10:35 Ah yes, the customary tank full of whales. I often walked past it in my years at the magic academy.

10:44 The fuck? She will instantly raise him as a zombie if he dies? Is that…legal?

12:46 Wacky music wacky music wacky music.

13:39 Ah, the classic game of boy or girl. Everything says boy, but the voice. That voice.

14:43 Wait, the fuck, he volunteered to be the janitor, and suddenly everyone is super mad? How is that bad?

15:26 WHAT?! Sudden nudity? WHY THE HELL? I thought we were over this!

16:30 So…suddenly sword fight.

16:59 And eight seconds just staring at a lady’s underwear. Why not, says every pervert everywhere?

17:22 He just Troned the fuck out.

17:39 And he exploded her shirt, for no reason.

18:30 Yeah, sure, you already caused enough trouble, why not sneak into the girl’s dorm at night?

18:56 Lady, we just met, maybe keep your clothes on for more than two minutes at a time.

20:01 Ah yes, here’s a random person. I’m sure this will be totally explained.

20:53 Who the hell is this red headed chick? Why is she in the forest? Why does she suddenly want to protect this guy? Did they intend anyone to know what the hell was going on at any time?

21:44 She is naked again. She will not stop getting naked after losing fights. I am not buying her as a strong character.

Hey hello I just appeared from some kind of magic circle I’ll be watching you because why not have a dozen women follow you for no reason. (Japan.)

22:12 That just said mana gauge. I would buy a motorcycle if it had a mana gauge.

Verdict: UM! That was really fast and I had no idea what was going on and it introduced like every character without any consideration that I have absolutely no clue what is happening. I don’t even know what this show is about! Apparently this guy is the demon king and it pisses off his girlfriend, but that’s okay because he has two more? And he just randomly hurts people? Um, okay. OKAY!

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