Friday, September 9, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 2: "Secret Surveillance Agent"

As opposed to all the normal surveillance agents, who are watching your every clandestine move for reasonable reasons, and always wave hello when you go out for coffee in the morning.

LAST TIME: Hell if I know! Some guy joins some magic academy and the Sorting Hat says he’s going to be the Demon King and that suddenly makes him the school pariah and his girlfriend keeps wanting to beat the shit out of him because of it, but she keeps losing and all her clothes fall off. Also two other ladies show up in the last two minutes for no reason, but they’re on the cover, so I guess they’re important.

0:05 Is that crying or laughing? If I can’t tell, it’s not a good example of either.

0:32 Holy fistbump!

1:03 Oh, I recognize that ugly bird figurine from 30 seconds ago! It must be a lietmotif!

2:15 Head in a jar? What the heck is up with that?

2:34 WHAT?! How do you know she’s an android? Because she shot someone with a gun? Anyone can have a gun!

3:37 And…redhead lady turned invisible somehow. But for some reason, it causes all her clothes to fall off. Because bras are funny, you see.

Wait, the doctor lady is the principal? Did we cover this?

4:41 Oh no, this Fu Manchu Guy is principal. He looks…

What. What’s with the voice.

Fire alarms in America tell you not to be a dick. Fire alarms in Japan tell you to press firmly to make sure they go off.

6:49 Here is your student handbook. It will let you know how to be an A+ Demon King.

7:25 It really bothers me when you do that thing I’ve only see you do this one time!

7:45 Stop with the sexual moans! NO!

8:23 The android is sleeping in the same closet space where I used to keep my detergent when I went to college.

9:11 Of course! Of course this lady with the cape is the female dorm leader! Everyone of importance wears capes!

9:50 If you need anything at all to help you become the lord of all evil, just let me know.

10:40 Ohhhh shit! Their restroom placards show a iconograph wearing a top hat and monocle. This school is high class.

10:56 Of course she was taking off her shirt when she was being contacted telepathically.

11:22 The android is staring at a random guy’s penis.

12:50 Why does everyone assume he’s going off to have sex with his android!?

13:10 Great name for a place. “The Mountain in the Back”

13:27 The main character has been given a significant plot reason to stare at the girl’s panties. Japan everyone!

14:20 Hey hello I’m a demon dog, what’s going on on this thread?

15:12 Sure is convenient that the main character can manifest demon powers whenever he feels like it.

15:46 “Up until now your main activities have been hurting women or peeking at their undergarments.”

16:54 Why yes, it sure is useful that you can turn on and off your robot girl and she will completely forget anything that happens while she’s off….you pervert.

17:41 Oh…the discipline committee. I’ve heard about those from animes. (Seriously, does Japan actually have discipline committees that beat the shit out of students who step out of line?)

18:26 Here you go! A pill gun! It shoots pills! I’m sure you’ll need it.

19:24 That is super unlikely!

19:39 OH SHIT nudity! Take a drink? (We still doing that?)

20:42 Dang lady! Maybe tell someone about all those scars on your back? Are you the Raincoat Killer? (Joke exactly three people get.)

21:45 Hey buddy! What’s up, Mr. Head in a Jar? I glad I didn’t hallucinate you.

23:00 Yes that was a scene where a female character squished a doll version of the main character between her naked breasts. Thanks.

23:45 I’m kinda bothered by the lack of “Next Time” credits.

Verdict: That was a bit more understandable. I almost know what the hell is going on! Although it has once again devolved into harem territory, where five girls are all fighting after the same guy. Why is it always five? But yeah, purple-haired chick appears to be moderately conniving, so that should be fun to watch. Also, a head in a jar! Can’t go wrong with that particular plot point!

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