Friday, September 23, 2011

Demon King Daimao - Episode 4: "The Isolation Cell is Fun?"

Maybe they have a game closet in there? You can play Parcheesi while you’re being punished for an unspecified crime! Royal game of India!

LAST TIME: I still have no idea…our villain (who is suddenly a villain) tries to trick our hero into injecting himself with some pills that would make him fall in love with her, and somehow this caused the entire school to chase the hero with swords, and then rice fell from the sky, and oh god brain aneurysm.

0:20 This dramatic final message would have a lot more impact if it wasn’t recorded on the dumbest tape recorder I’ve ever seen.

Oh no, it’s a guy with eyes we can’t see that we’ve never seen before! This is bad?

1:55 Oh there he is! He was hiding in the title credits the entire time!

2:40 Purple-haired lady is MAD at something.

3:07 Um, where are they all going? And why do they look so excited?

Magic class? It looks like they’re playing catch.


4:50 And she’s fucking naked. AGAIN.

5:20 Why don’t I take you to the Mental Discipline Chamber? That doesn’t sound evil at all.

5:50 Why a waterproof bag? In case the canteen springs a leak, dummy!

6:32 This guy is completely flummoxed over everything his pet android does. He just agrees with everything she says so she’ll stop talking.

8:07 Wait, hang on. If the door can’t be opened at all, how helpful would it be to call a friend?

8:33 Hehehe. She is sitting needlessly close to him just to piss him off.

9:01 I’m just going to go reach out and grope this obvious invisible breast. It’s not like I know someone who can turn invisible or anything.

9:25 OH SHIT SHE HAS A GUN! A…magic gun. That shoots confusion gas?

10:12 And there’s a secret treasure map hidden here for no reason.

11:06 Oh come on! Urine humor. With full-on wacky fucking music.

11:55 Stop talking about drinking pee!

12:35 Wait hang on, she’s actually willing to try using her charms to get him to like her? Why is that Plan C?

13:14 Yeah, I also often sit around my room calling people idiots, apropos to nothing. Especially if they hadn’t actually done anything wrong lately.

14:08 The dead can’t lie? That’s a weird rule.

14:38 This show has the best background dialogue. Somebody actually said gee willikers.

15:05 And everyone is FREAKING OUT about this map.

15:36 There was a war? Places were abandoned?

15:59 Oh what the hell is wrong with this redheaded lady? She does absolutely nothing that makes any sense.

Yeah, okay, why the box of oranges? Is this just a non sequitur joke?

17:00 I also didn’t think that they would manage to teleport back here after being viciously hurt but some monster somewhere.

“Although I don’t like it because it sounds like a campaign of terror…”

18:10 BOO! BOO! Down with whatever!

18:38 And some lady decided the best course of action was to just start beating the crap out of him.

18:55 OH GOD DAMN! Why did you put your vagina in his face?

19:27 You mad, lady with a witch hat? I thought that this announcement was your idea.

20:29 So, she’s giving him another gun, a gun that is likely some kind of love trap…because that plan worked so well the last time.

21:08 Serious, lady, can you have a conversation with someone without leaping on his head?

21:32 AND gay joke. Take a drink.

22:05 SOME STAIRS! (End scene)

Verdict: This continues to be insane. He finds a treasure map for no reason, it becomes a big deal for no reason, and suddenly another fucking lady shows up and starts wanting to sleep with the main character. Because there wasn’t enough of those already. And of course he once again goes into the forest for no reason, because why should a show about a magic school actually involve learning about magic?

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